Esmaspäeval ärkasin üles ja läksin loengusse. Seekord olid asjad paremad, sest meie päris õppejõud istus ka saalis, niiet inimesed kontrollisid ennast. Seminar oli lõbus nagu ikka :). Tagasi kodus ootasin, kuni Aurore tagasi tuli ning läksime koos tema, Dorise ja Elenaga toidupoodi. Enne Morrisoni käisime läbi Balti riikide poest, sest tahtsin pelmeene. Need käes ostsime kõik muud asjad Morrisonist. Kodus panime asjad ära, sõin lõunat ja siis ühel hetkel läksin üles ning olin pisut produktiivne. Mitte ülemäära, aga natuke ikka :D. Kella seitsmeks läksin trenni, Elena tuli minuga, aga tema läks jooksma, mina Boxercise-i. See nädal peaaegu olin koos ühe nendest kuttidega, aga treener määras mulle ühe uue tüdruku, niiet oli selline kerge trenn. Temal oli suhteliselt raske. Aga nagu ikka, sai hakkama. See kutt kellega mina eelmine esmaspäev olin, 'tappis' ühte teist kutti kes on muidu tavaliselt ka trennis :D. Ta ilmselt sai aru, et ta oli teinud vea, kui ta selle 'lahke' pakkumise vastu võttis. Igatahes! Mõnus ikka. Läksin koju Aurore-i ja Elenaga. Käisin pesus, jõin teed ja peale natukest tööd läksin magama.
Teisipäeva hommik oli nii raske sest õues sadas vihma ja oli mega pime. Mitte, et ma kunagi alla annaks, aga tunne oli küll selline, et täna tahaks lihtsalt voodisse jääda. Ajasin ennast lõpuks loomulikult püsti ja Luke tuli ka see nädal, niiet läksime koos bussi peale. Loeng oli omaette huvitav :D. Ma ei taha siin detailidesse laskuda aga meile andis loengut õppejõud kes on lennukipiloot ja elas just Austraalias 2 aastat :D.
Seminar oli okei. Kodus sõin lõunat ja siis töötasin/puhkasin/planeerisin. Kell 3 oli raamatupidamine ja õnneks läks seminar väga ruttu. Kodus tegin veel raamatupidamist, vahetasin riided ja läksin keetsin pelmeene. Oligi kell 6 ja aeg minna laudama.
Kartsin, et see nädal tuleb sarnane eelmisele, sest vihma sadas vahetult enne kui mäe poole sõitma hakkasime aga õnneks sinna jõudes oli täitsa kuiv ja need kaks tundi laua peal olid fantastilised! Mina ja James oleme suht samal tasemel, niiet harjutame samu asju ja saame mõlemad suht hästi hakkama :). Läksime koos suurele mäele enne lõppu ja harjutasime seal ;). Nii hea ja mõnus!
Kolmapäeval tahtsin ma jee voodist välja astuda :D. Lõpuks seda ikkagi tegin ja läksin ökonoomikasse. Peale loengut tulin koju. Sõin lõunat ja siis oli kell 3 mul suur õpilasesindajate kokku saamine. Alguses olime kõik koos ja siis jagunesime erinevate teaduskondade vahel laiali. Saime taaskord arutada erinevaid probleeme ning pitsat jagati ka! Kodus tuli mul tööd teha ning kell 7 läksin Bodypumpi. Trenn oli hea aga õlg tegi päris korralikult valu. Kodus dušš ja süüa ja magama.
Neljapäeva hommikul vedasin ennast OISM-i. Loeng oli täitsa okei. Peale seda tulime minu grupiga minu majja ja praktiseerisime oma esitlust. Kõik koos läksime tagasi koolimajja ning ees ootas seminar. Peale seda tulin koju ja sõin lõunat. Mul on nüüd palju teha, sest üritan niipalju kordamist ja asju ära teha kui saan enne pühi, sest minul seda aega pühade ajal küll pole. Kella seitsmeks läksin trenni. Olin jällegi selle kutiga, kes kõigist viimast üritab võtta, niiet selline korralik trenn. Mis mind üllatas oli see, et mu õlg oli nagu uus, see tegi head meelt. Tagasi koju ja nii see neljapäev jälle veereski.
Reede oli see nädal huvitav selles mõttes, et kuna kaks nädalalt järjest on SSD-s presentatsioonid, siis minul oli vaba, sest meie grupp presenteerib järgmine nädal. Mina aga istusin pool 10 bussi peale ja läksin teise linnakusse, et oma esseesi kirjutada. Mul oli sealsest raamatukogust raamatut vaja niiet nii oligi. Peale oma tundi liitus minuga Elena ja hiljem Aurore. Veetsin nendega aega ja töötasin ja vestlesin sõpradega, kes presentatsioone sel päeval tegid ;). Natuke 1 läbi tulin koju, sõin lõunat ja poole 3e paiku läksime Ly ja Mattiga linna. Käisime spordipoodides ja loomapoes ja veel mõnes poes ja nii see 4 tundi lendaski :D. Meil oli väga lõbus. Kodus sõin õhtusööki ja siis läksin õppima. Poole 11 paiku lõpetasin ja tulin alla, sest me kogunesime kokku, et kaarte mängida. Ühel hetkel tõi Ly alla hundimängu ja nii me mängisime poole 2ni. Supervahva!!
Mina läksin magama, mõned teised ka, aga osad jäid veel üles :D.
Laupäeval magasin pisut ja ärkasin natuke enne 11st. Käisin pesus, sõin hommikusööki ja siis läksin õppima. Sain palju asju tehtud ning kell 3 lahkusime bandega jälle kodust, et teha kerget jõulushopingut! Käisime Kirkgate kaubanduskeskuses. Igasugustes poodides ümber selle, käisime mäkis ja lõpuks käisime Broadways. Koju jõudsime natuke peale 6t. Läksin edasi õppima ja siis hiljem mängisime kõik koos hundimängu jällegi. Magama läksin alles 2 paiku, sest peale mängu istusime veel Luke-i, Matt-i, Ly ja Elenaga :D.
Pühapäeval magasin ja sõin hommikusööki ja hakkasin jälle kordama ja muid asju tegema. Kuidagi vedasin ennast kuskil poole 3ni ja sel hetkel tuli mind ennast voodist välja vedada, sest olin kuidagi seal lõpetanud. Õues oli kohutav ill terve päeva, aga ikka vedasin ennast välja. Käisin poes, sest tahtsin jällegi küpsetada. Mõndasid muid asju oli ka vaja, niiet jah, igati kasulik. Kodus panin asjad ära ning läksin käisin pesus ja skypesin emme ja issiga. Peale seda läksin sööma ja hakkasin küpsiseid tegema. Nii head tulid! Janek tuli kuskil poole 8 paiku ja sain tehtud oma testi tema abiga. Seekord oli isegi täitsa kerge ;). Tema lahkus ning mina jõin teed ja jagasin oma küpsiseid teistega. Kell 10 sain kokku Rohaga ja läksime hoki mängule! Väga hea mäng oli, me võitsime! Nii hea! Imehea lõpp päevale.
Working on English version! I'm really trying to find time!
Hi ya all!!!
Monday morning woke up and went to the lecture. It was better this week, because our real lecturer sat in the theatre so people actually controlled themselves. Tutorial was fun as always! Back at home I was waiting for Aurore to come back and then me, her, Elena and Doris went to grocery store. Before going to Morrisons we went to one of those Baltic stores and I got my home style dumplings. Then we got everything else from Morrisons and headed back home. I had lunch and then went upstairs to be a bit productive. Just a bit ;). At seven I went to gym and had my workout. Elena came with me, but she went just for a run. This week I almost was together with one of the strong guys, but the trainer put me together with one new girl. Oh well. She had quite a hard time, but well, for me it was easier and maybe that´s a good thing! This guy who I was together last year, was killing one of the other guys who usually always comes :D. Walked home with Elena and Aurore and then after a bit work and tea, went to bed.
Tuesday morning was hard, because it was raining and it was super dark outside. Not that I would ever give up, it was just hard. Luke came with me this week, so it was more fun! Lecture was quite interesting, not that I would like to go in to many details, but we had a lecturer who is a pilot and lived in Australia for two years. Yup. Tutorial was okay. Back home had lunch and then worked/rested/planned. Everything ;). At three I had accounting and thankfully tutorial went quick. Back home I did a bit more accounting and then changed, made dumplings and then went snowboarding. Stepping outside I was afraid that it will be similar to previous week, but when we got on the slope, it was all good and session was really enjoyable. Me and James are quite at the same level, so we tried doing the same turns and stuff. We went to the big slope at the end of the session! So good!!
Wednesday- did I want to get out of bed? NO THANK YOU! :D Relationship with bed, is not very good lately. I did get out finally and went to economics. After lecture came home, had lunch and then at 3 I had a All Rep meeting. First we were all together and then we were divided by faculty so everybody can talk about their problems. Also, got free pizza!! Worked at home and then went to Bodypump. Work out was good, but really hurt my shoulder. Had shower, made food, went to bed!
Thursday morning I dragged myself to OISM. Lecture was alright. After that I came to the house with my presentation group and we practiced. Then we went all together back to Horton and had our tutorials. Back home had lunch and started revison. Trying to do as much as I can before holidays. Went to Boxercise at 7 and I was with the guy who killed this poor dude on Monday :D. It was really really good! What surprised me- my shoulder was finally absolutely good!! Back home, and that´s how Thursday rolled by.
Friday was interesting in a way that I didn´t have my SSD, since our presentation was scheduled for week after. I came to school of management anyway, because I needed the book and just wrote my essays. After her lecture, Elena joined me so we chilled together and later we were together with Aurore. So I worked, chilled with girls, talked with friends who had their presentations etc. Came home after 1 and had lunch and at 3 we went to town with Ly and Matt. Did a lot of shopping, we spent 4 hours in different stores :D. At home I had dinner and then went to study. Around 10.30 pm we gathered around downstairs and played cards. At some point there were enough people (8) and we played wolf game, what Ly brought from Estonia. Super fun! We played until 1.30 am and then I went to bed. Some stayed up later tho :D.
Saturday I slept a bit and then woke up a bit before 11. Went to shower, ate breakfast and went to study. I completed a lot of things and then at 3 we left with peeps to christmas shopping. Went to Kirkgate mall and a lot of stores around it. We also went to McDonalds and then ended up in Broadway. We got home a little after 6. I went to study a bit more and then I went back to study. Later played the wolf game again and went to bed at 2, because after we finished the came, we sat with Luke, Matt, Ly and Elena.
Sunday I slept, OFCOURSE and had breakfast and then started to revise and did other things. I dragged myself til 2.30 pm and then I needed to be dragged out of bed, because somehow I ended in there :D. Don´t know how. Weather outside was absolutely horrible, but I went out of house. I needed couple of things from Morrisons, since my baking need kicked out :D. Back home I had shower, skyped with mom and dad and then came down to bake chocolate chip cookies. YUM YUM! Janek came over later and we did my OISM test. Lucky this time, but only because they changed the way test worked this time, so lucky! He left, I had tea and then I shared my cookies with others. At 10 I met up with Roha and we went to hockey game. WE WON! Super good ending to the day and week.!
Hi ya all!!!
Monday morning woke up and went to the lecture. It was better this week, because our real lecturer sat in the theatre so people actually controlled themselves. Tutorial was fun as always! Back at home I was waiting for Aurore to come back and then me, her, Elena and Doris went to grocery store. Before going to Morrisons we went to one of those Baltic stores and I got my home style dumplings. Then we got everything else from Morrisons and headed back home. I had lunch and then went upstairs to be a bit productive. Just a bit ;). At seven I went to gym and had my workout. Elena came with me, but she went just for a run. This week I almost was together with one of the strong guys, but the trainer put me together with one new girl. Oh well. She had quite a hard time, but well, for me it was easier and maybe that´s a good thing! This guy who I was together last year, was killing one of the other guys who usually always comes :D. Walked home with Elena and Aurore and then after a bit work and tea, went to bed.
Tuesday morning was hard, because it was raining and it was super dark outside. Not that I would ever give up, it was just hard. Luke came with me this week, so it was more fun! Lecture was quite interesting, not that I would like to go in to many details, but we had a lecturer who is a pilot and lived in Australia for two years. Yup. Tutorial was okay. Back home had lunch and then worked/rested/planned. Everything ;). At three I had accounting and thankfully tutorial went quick. Back home I did a bit more accounting and then changed, made dumplings and then went snowboarding. Stepping outside I was afraid that it will be similar to previous week, but when we got on the slope, it was all good and session was really enjoyable. Me and James are quite at the same level, so we tried doing the same turns and stuff. We went to the big slope at the end of the session! So good!!
Wednesday- did I want to get out of bed? NO THANK YOU! :D Relationship with bed, is not very good lately. I did get out finally and went to economics. After lecture came home, had lunch and then at 3 I had a All Rep meeting. First we were all together and then we were divided by faculty so everybody can talk about their problems. Also, got free pizza!! Worked at home and then went to Bodypump. Work out was good, but really hurt my shoulder. Had shower, made food, went to bed!
Thursday morning I dragged myself to OISM. Lecture was alright. After that I came to the house with my presentation group and we practiced. Then we went all together back to Horton and had our tutorials. Back home had lunch and started revison. Trying to do as much as I can before holidays. Went to Boxercise at 7 and I was with the guy who killed this poor dude on Monday :D. It was really really good! What surprised me- my shoulder was finally absolutely good!! Back home, and that´s how Thursday rolled by.
Friday was interesting in a way that I didn´t have my SSD, since our presentation was scheduled for week after. I came to school of management anyway, because I needed the book and just wrote my essays. After her lecture, Elena joined me so we chilled together and later we were together with Aurore. So I worked, chilled with girls, talked with friends who had their presentations etc. Came home after 1 and had lunch and at 3 we went to town with Ly and Matt. Did a lot of shopping, we spent 4 hours in different stores :D. At home I had dinner and then went to study. Around 10.30 pm we gathered around downstairs and played cards. At some point there were enough people (8) and we played wolf game, what Ly brought from Estonia. Super fun! We played until 1.30 am and then I went to bed. Some stayed up later tho :D.
Saturday I slept a bit and then woke up a bit before 11. Went to shower, ate breakfast and went to study. I completed a lot of things and then at 3 we left with peeps to christmas shopping. Went to Kirkgate mall and a lot of stores around it. We also went to McDonalds and then ended up in Broadway. We got home a little after 6. I went to study a bit more and then I went back to study. Later played the wolf game again and went to bed at 2, because after we finished the came, we sat with Luke, Matt, Ly and Elena.
Sunday I slept, OFCOURSE and had breakfast and then started to revise and did other things. I dragged myself til 2.30 pm and then I needed to be dragged out of bed, because somehow I ended in there :D. Don´t know how. Weather outside was absolutely horrible, but I went out of house. I needed couple of things from Morrisons, since my baking need kicked out :D. Back home I had shower, skyped with mom and dad and then came down to bake chocolate chip cookies. YUM YUM! Janek came over later and we did my OISM test. Lucky this time, but only because they changed the way test worked this time, so lucky! He left, I had tea and then I shared my cookies with others. At 10 I met up with Roha and we went to hockey game. WE WON! Super good ending to the day and week.!