See nädal on olnud küllaltki raske ja emotsionaalne. Esmaspäev algas varakult, sest tahtsin ennast valmis panna ja presentatsiooniks harjutada. Kell 9.30 sain Aminaga kokku ja harjutasime koos. Kell 10 tuli meie grupp ja nemad kuulasid ja rääkisime Heleniga. Kell 11 istusime seminari ruumis maha. Üks poiste grupp esitas enne meid ja see oli absoluutselt imeline presentatsioon. Siis olime meie Aminaga ja see läks hästi! Peale meid olid tšehhid ja nende tase oli oluliselt madalam kui meie ja poiste grupil. Kõik tehtud, oli aeg keskenduda OISM-ile ja mõlemale raportile. Peale presentatsioon vahetasin ruttu riided ning läksin ruumi 101 ning võtsin osa kostüümi paraadist kandes enda eesti rahvarõivaid! Peale seda sõime Nabeeliga lõunat ning hakkasime raamatupidamise eksamiks kordama. Tema läks kell 5 koju ning mina tegelesin raportitega. Kella 7ks läksin trenni ja see oli super hea!
Teisipäeval ärkasin vara ja läksin teise linnakusse. Loengut polnud, aga nad andsid meile teads parimad postrid. Oli väga suur rõõm näha enda postrit top 5 seas!! Nad andsid 5le parimale nänni ja meie olime ühed neist. Olin väga uhke!!
Tagasi põhilinnakus käisime korraks poes ja Jamie pidi korraks linna minema ning meie istusime minu juures maha koos Nabeeli ja Shivaniga. Jamie liitus meiega. Mina tegelesin OISM-i raportiga ning Nabeel harjutas quantsi. Shivani ja Jamie tegid mis iganes :D. Kella 1ks läksime raamatupidamisse, mis oli kordamisloeng, sest teemad olid kõik selgeks õpitud ja nüüd võtsime kõik kokku. Seminaris tegime harjutust ja oligi koolipäev läbi. Kodus töötasin veel veits, sõin ja läksin laudama. Viimane laudamise sess ka! Kõik tundub nii ebareaalne, sest kuidagi väga äkki lõpeb kõik ära ja mõndasid inimesi ei teagi millal kunagi enam näeb. See selleks. Meil oli absoluutselt imeline sess ja super vahva!! Pubis mängisime kaarte ja sõime pizzat! Tagasi linnakus läksime minu töökohta ehk Spordi Baari ja tegime kõik koos veel dringi ja mängisime piljardit. Mina pidin siis koju minema, sest kolmapäeval oli vaja taaskord varakult ärgata ja raportitega tegeleda.
Ärkasingi varakult ja tegelesin koolitööga ning harjutasin oma OISM-i osa. Kell 12 saime grupiga kokku ning harjutasime kõik koos peale ühega meist, sest see neiu ei suutnud ennast kokku võtta ja tegi asju valesti. Lubas asjad korda ajada kui koju läheb. Seda muidugi ei juhtunud. Temaga on terve selle grupi raportite aja vähe keeruliselt läinud sest ta pole oma tööd teinud. Ta on mõlemas grupis minuga nii turunduses kui ka OISM-is ja turunduse osa sai ta kuidagi tehtud, enamuse, aga mitte OISM-i osa. Andis mulle oma esimese osa OISM-i tööst nädala eest. Teised kõik on paar kuud vaeva näinud. See selleks. Poisid on väga tublid olnud ja seda ma peangi meeles pidama! Kella poole 2se bussiga tuli mul minna teise linnakusse, et viimasle SSLC-l osaleda. Ainult 4 õpilasesindajat meil seal oli koos õppejõududega. Arutasime probleeme ja vaatasime mida teha annab. Peale seda istusin maha oma PAL juhi Mattiga ja arutasime grupitöid ja muud koolielu. Kella 5se bussiga tulime tagasi ning läksin koju. Natuke oli aega, niiet töötasin ja kella 7ks läksin trenni. Peale trenni kordasin veel presentatsiooniks.
Neljapäeval ärkasin 8sa paiku ja kuna neiu polnud mulle ikka veel oma slaidi saatnud, siis võtsin vastu otsuse, et teen selle slaidi ise ja esitan selle osa ise. Sõin ja läksin üritasin printida. See väga välja ei tulnud aga pidin minema loengusse. Ma avastasin seda alles nädsla alguses et meil loeng on. Õnneks olid seal ainult Jamie, Janek, Kumba ja Roha, niiet Zahid tegi meiega lihtsalt poole tunnise ülevaate. Siis käisin printisin Jamie ja Janekuga ja see tuli välja. Kell 11 oli meil grupi kokkusaamine. Neiu ei tulnud taaskord selleks ajaks kui ta oleks pidanud. Enne kui me kohtumist alustasime läksin rääkisin oma õppejõule probleemi ära. Sest iseenesest oleks kõik pidanud esitama aga mõni oli meil lihtsalt võimetu. Ta oli kell 10 mulle meili saatnud piltidega mis ma slaidile peaksin panema. See ei olnud vastuvõetav ha kuna ta tuli kohale alles 20 minutit enne presentatsiooni mitte tund aga enne nagu kõik teised siis andsin talle teada, et ta ei osale selles. Muidugi olin ka kõik pahad asjad ja ta karjus mu peale aga kogu grupp nõustus minuga. Seega tema hinne läheb maha, sest kui tema otsustab nädala aega enne töötada kui kõik teised on seda kaks kuud teinud, siis mis asja.. Esitasime oma töö 5kesi 6e asemel ära ja valmis. Oli hea presentatsioon vist! Loodame. Peale seda istusin maha ja hakkasin turunduse raportis muudatusi tegema ja siis OISM-i raportis. See võttis tunde. Trenni ma loomulikult ei läinud. Kell 10 tuli Janek ja selleks ajaks olin ma nii väsinud, aga pingutasin edasi. Jaksasin kell 1ni ja siis saatsin Janeku koju ja läksin magama. Olin vaimselt ja füüsiliselt väga väsinud.
Reede hommik algas suhteliselt varakult, sest me pidime iseseisvalt tegema quantsi testi. Kogunesime kokku Õoliaskeskusesse ning tegime selle ära. Oli aeg teha viimased muudatused raportites. Esimesena tahtsin OISM- i lõpetada. Janek aitas mind ja Vlad ning Bernardo tulid ka. Kella poole 1ks olime valmis ja sai üles laetud. Siis sain Pamelaga kokku ning tegime viimase liigutused Turunduse omaga. Ja siis läksid asjad valesti. Kümme minutit enne kella 3e hakkasin faili üles laadima ja mida ei juhtunud oli faili üles laadimine. Süsteem ei lasknud seda läbi. Logisin välja, proovisin uuesti, ei midagi. Nii jõudiski kell 3ni ja üleslaadimine sulges ja hiline üleslaadimine avanes. Kirjutasin kohe õppejõule ja ta ei olnud õnnelik. Saatsin talle tõestusi, et ma tõesti olen seda enne kella 3 üles proovinud laadida ja ta ütles, et proovib seda lahendada järgmise nädala alguses. Olin väga väga endast väljas, teised üritasid mul küll enesetunnet paremaks teha aga see ei õnnestunud. Otsustasin Roha ja Kumbaga välja minna, sest muidu poleks minust midagi järgi jäänud. Käisime Broadways ja siis Nando's söömas. Jalutasime tagasi linnakusse ning siis sain kokku Matti, Luke-i ja Aurorega ning läksime Weatherspoonsi. Nemad sõid õhtusööki ja mina magustoitu! Superhea! Hiljem mängisime kodus kaarte ja oligi aeg magama minna.
Pühapäeval ärkasin natuke enne 10t aga mõnulesin voodis ikka tükk aega pärast seda. Läksin alla ja sõin hommikusööki ning siis hakkasin raamatupidamist kordama. Vahepeal tegin lõunat ja siis kordasin edasi. Kell 6 käisin pesus ja siis tegelesin natuke mõne dokumendiga ning panin ennast valmis ja läksin tööle kolmveerand kaheksa. Tööl oli täitsa ok. Paar hetke oli kus polnudki nagu väga midagi teha aga üldiselt oli väga vahva! Mulle meeldib! Pärast jäin veel ühe töökaaslase ja tuttavate kuttidega istuma. Mängisime piljardit ja chillisime niisama. Tulin koju kesköö paiku ning saingi magama! Nädal läbi, et uus saaks alata!
This week has been quite hard and emotional. Monday started early, because I wanted to get ready and practice for presentation. I met Amina at 9.30 and we practiced together. At 10 o´clock our whole group came and they listened us and later we talked with Helen. Sat down at 11 and there was one guys group before us. Their presentation was really really good and looked very professional. They ofcourse tried to put a lot of infromation into that 10 minutes, but that was really only flaw. After them it was me and Amina and we were quite pleased. Went good, at least we hope! :) After us was a czech group and I do think they were a bit behind both of us, but it was okay :). After this i changed quickly clothes and took part of the National Costume Parade, where Sue asked me to do it. It was just a quick one in Richmond. This done, me and Nabeel had lunch and then started to revise for Accounting exam. He went home at 5 and I went to Boxercise at 7. Regular end to Monday.
On Tuesday needed to wake up early and went to the other campus We did not have a proper lecture but the lecturers announced the best posters. There was top three plus two more. I was very very pleased to see our group´s poster there. No other gratitude is needed. Nabeel, Shivani and Jamie were in one group and theirs was there aswell. All happy! :) When we got back to main campus, we went to store real quick and then Jamie needed to go to town, so we just came to my place. I did OISM report and Nabeel did Quants. When Jamie got back then him and Shivani just chilled. At one we needed to go to Accounting. It was a revision lecture, so we just summed everything up and made clear what will be in exam. Tutorial done, school day done ;). I ate at home and then went to snowboarding. Last session this year. So weird how everything is finalizing. It was absolutely fantastic training. Chill, most of us were there, incredible weather and it was just soo good. Can´t imagine that the whole summer I will not be on board.We played cards and then came back to main campus and went to student bars. Played pool and just had fun all together! I needed to come home, because needed to wake up early and do the reports.
Woke up early and started to do reports and practiced my OISM presentation. We met up with a group at 12 and practiced, besides one of us because she just wasn´t prepared for several reasons.. Long story short, she has just been delaying both works and I just didn´t get her parts if the group projects in time so it just has created a big mess and more stress to me. Boys though have been fantastic and everyhting has been flowing. I took 1.30 pm bus to go to School of Management because last SSLC took place. It was only 4 student reps and staff. Discussed problems and just summed the whole year. After that I sat down with Matt and talked about different things, school related and not. Shivani joined us later as well as Theodora. We came back with 5 pm bus, more reports and practice for presentation.
Thursday I woke up and since there was still one slide missing for the presentation taking place in 4 hours, I created it and learned part, because well.. What else could I do? I ate and then left the house. Went to print, but that didn´t quite happen, because the printers did not really work. Went to lecture and since it was only 5-6 of us, then Zahid kept it short and then we went to print with the boys. Those were the slides we needed to hand in to our marker. At 11 we had a group meeting. Before that I warned our tutor that we have a problem and there might be one person not presenting, depends what happens in an hour and she understood me. We sat down with boys and she wasn´t there. We practiced once, everything was perfect, just had a quick chat and practiced the second time. She came 11.40, which was 20 minutes before presentation. She was announced by me that she won´t be presenting. Ofcourse it was a big drama then, but as we had decided with whole group in the same idea, then it stayed the same and she did not present with us. It was a nice presentation and I think we did quite well. We hope at least! After that I sat down and started to make come minor changes in Marketing report and tried to make everyhting final. After that did OISM. It took me hours. I didn´t go to the gym, because deadlines were next day. At 10 pm Janek came and we worked with OISM, but by that point I was completely braindead. He was a great help though. I sent him home at 1 am and went to bed.
Woke up early on Friday, did the quants test and then went to student central and met all the peeps. Started to make last changes in reports, but then it seems like a lot needs to be changed. Boys came for OISM and then Bernardo went to do last graphs and tables and me and Janek finalized it. We were done by 1.30 pm. Then I went to meet Pamela in Horton and we started to finalize Marketing. We were done just right before three and started to upload the file and the system just was not co-operating with us. Logged out, logged in again and still nothing. By that time I was panicning because the LATE submission is not something you want. 3 pm was the deadline and it did not upload. So I emailed our module leader and let her know and tried, but it didn´t. So finally it went up as a late submission. She knew tho and I sent her all the proof that we have been uploading it before and there was nothing I could have done. I was very very very upset. One of the very few times in life. The group tried to say that no it´s okay and all good, that it´s not my fault etc, but I still felt very responsible and didn´t like it at all. Well.. Couple of hours of miserable me and then I went out with Roha and Kumba. We went to Broadway and then later to Nando´s. We walked back and I met Aurore and Matt and Luke. We went to Weatherspoons and they had dinner, me dessert. So good! Later played cards at home and then to bed!
On Saturday I woke up veery early! I was up at 5 am. Did all necessary and then walked to bus station. Caught the bus and then 5 hours to London started. Approx 4 hours of it I was sleeping of course :D. Then when we got to London I woke up and it was nice to see not the central London. Weather was sunny aswell. COLD, but sunny. Ofcourse when I walked off the bus, it started to rain. Gee.. I met mama and her friends in Victoria Train Station. SOO GOOD!! We walked all the main sightseeings and everything. It was a nice day just very cold. Later we ate lunch- proper fish and chips like one should in England :D and then went to the Oxford Street and did some shopping. Mainly in Primark ofcourse. After we were done, went to Costa and just had a chat with mama. I really liked it. Then we met all the others and I took a metro to the Victoria Station and took a bus back to Bradford. It seemed like a regular day, not odd at all that I went to London and saw mom. I translated my previous blogs and it took me almost 4 hours. Got back to Bradford at 11 pm and came home. Before I made it to home saw Kumba and Roha and we just played cards. They left a little after midnight and it was time to sleep!
On Sunday I woke up before 10 and stayed in bed a bit. Then came downstairs to eat and started to revise accounting. Did lunch at some point and then continued. At 6 I went to shower and did some documents. Then got ready and went to work at 7.45 pm. It was all good. After my shift I stayed with my co-worker and some guys from my class and Reinar. We played pool and just chilled! Week over so the new one can start.
This week has been quite hard and emotional. Monday started early, because I wanted to get ready and practice for presentation. I met Amina at 9.30 and we practiced together. At 10 o´clock our whole group came and they listened us and later we talked with Helen. Sat down at 11 and there was one guys group before us. Their presentation was really really good and looked very professional. They ofcourse tried to put a lot of infromation into that 10 minutes, but that was really only flaw. After them it was me and Amina and we were quite pleased. Went good, at least we hope! :) After us was a czech group and I do think they were a bit behind both of us, but it was okay :). After this i changed quickly clothes and took part of the National Costume Parade, where Sue asked me to do it. It was just a quick one in Richmond. This done, me and Nabeel had lunch and then started to revise for Accounting exam. He went home at 5 and I went to Boxercise at 7. Regular end to Monday.
On Tuesday needed to wake up early and went to the other campus We did not have a proper lecture but the lecturers announced the best posters. There was top three plus two more. I was very very pleased to see our group´s poster there. No other gratitude is needed. Nabeel, Shivani and Jamie were in one group and theirs was there aswell. All happy! :) When we got back to main campus, we went to store real quick and then Jamie needed to go to town, so we just came to my place. I did OISM report and Nabeel did Quants. When Jamie got back then him and Shivani just chilled. At one we needed to go to Accounting. It was a revision lecture, so we just summed everything up and made clear what will be in exam. Tutorial done, school day done ;). I ate at home and then went to snowboarding. Last session this year. So weird how everything is finalizing. It was absolutely fantastic training. Chill, most of us were there, incredible weather and it was just soo good. Can´t imagine that the whole summer I will not be on board.We played cards and then came back to main campus and went to student bars. Played pool and just had fun all together! I needed to come home, because needed to wake up early and do the reports.
Woke up early and started to do reports and practiced my OISM presentation. We met up with a group at 12 and practiced, besides one of us because she just wasn´t prepared for several reasons.. Long story short, she has just been delaying both works and I just didn´t get her parts if the group projects in time so it just has created a big mess and more stress to me. Boys though have been fantastic and everyhting has been flowing. I took 1.30 pm bus to go to School of Management because last SSLC took place. It was only 4 student reps and staff. Discussed problems and just summed the whole year. After that I sat down with Matt and talked about different things, school related and not. Shivani joined us later as well as Theodora. We came back with 5 pm bus, more reports and practice for presentation.
Thursday I woke up and since there was still one slide missing for the presentation taking place in 4 hours, I created it and learned part, because well.. What else could I do? I ate and then left the house. Went to print, but that didn´t quite happen, because the printers did not really work. Went to lecture and since it was only 5-6 of us, then Zahid kept it short and then we went to print with the boys. Those were the slides we needed to hand in to our marker. At 11 we had a group meeting. Before that I warned our tutor that we have a problem and there might be one person not presenting, depends what happens in an hour and she understood me. We sat down with boys and she wasn´t there. We practiced once, everything was perfect, just had a quick chat and practiced the second time. She came 11.40, which was 20 minutes before presentation. She was announced by me that she won´t be presenting. Ofcourse it was a big drama then, but as we had decided with whole group in the same idea, then it stayed the same and she did not present with us. It was a nice presentation and I think we did quite well. We hope at least! After that I sat down and started to make come minor changes in Marketing report and tried to make everyhting final. After that did OISM. It took me hours. I didn´t go to the gym, because deadlines were next day. At 10 pm Janek came and we worked with OISM, but by that point I was completely braindead. He was a great help though. I sent him home at 1 am and went to bed.
Woke up early on Friday, did the quants test and then went to student central and met all the peeps. Started to make last changes in reports, but then it seems like a lot needs to be changed. Boys came for OISM and then Bernardo went to do last graphs and tables and me and Janek finalized it. We were done by 1.30 pm. Then I went to meet Pamela in Horton and we started to finalize Marketing. We were done just right before three and started to upload the file and the system just was not co-operating with us. Logged out, logged in again and still nothing. By that time I was panicning because the LATE submission is not something you want. 3 pm was the deadline and it did not upload. So I emailed our module leader and let her know and tried, but it didn´t. So finally it went up as a late submission. She knew tho and I sent her all the proof that we have been uploading it before and there was nothing I could have done. I was very very very upset. One of the very few times in life. The group tried to say that no it´s okay and all good, that it´s not my fault etc, but I still felt very responsible and didn´t like it at all. Well.. Couple of hours of miserable me and then I went out with Roha and Kumba. We went to Broadway and then later to Nando´s. We walked back and I met Aurore and Matt and Luke. We went to Weatherspoons and they had dinner, me dessert. So good! Later played cards at home and then to bed!
On Saturday I woke up veery early! I was up at 5 am. Did all necessary and then walked to bus station. Caught the bus and then 5 hours to London started. Approx 4 hours of it I was sleeping of course :D. Then when we got to London I woke up and it was nice to see not the central London. Weather was sunny aswell. COLD, but sunny. Ofcourse when I walked off the bus, it started to rain. Gee.. I met mama and her friends in Victoria Train Station. SOO GOOD!! We walked all the main sightseeings and everything. It was a nice day just very cold. Later we ate lunch- proper fish and chips like one should in England :D and then went to the Oxford Street and did some shopping. Mainly in Primark ofcourse. After we were done, went to Costa and just had a chat with mama. I really liked it. Then we met all the others and I took a metro to the Victoria Station and took a bus back to Bradford. It seemed like a regular day, not odd at all that I went to London and saw mom. I translated my previous blogs and it took me almost 4 hours. Got back to Bradford at 11 pm and came home. Before I made it to home saw Kumba and Roha and we just played cards. They left a little after midnight and it was time to sleep!
On Sunday I woke up before 10 and stayed in bed a bit. Then came downstairs to eat and started to revise accounting. Did lunch at some point and then continued. At 6 I went to shower and did some documents. Then got ready and went to work at 7.45 pm. It was all good. After my shift I stayed with my co-worker and some guys from my class and Reinar. We played pool and just chilled! Week over so the new one can start.