Esmaspäev algas suhteliselt kiirelt. Turunduse loeng ja seminar ning kiire lõuna. Peale seda läksin Õpilas Keskusesse, sest olin ennast lubanud õpilasuuringu reklaamimisele. Sain kahe tunni jooksul 10 inimest seda tegema. Ja see on päris hea kui ma teile ausalt ütlen. Teised said kas ka umbes sama palju, või siis natuke vähem. Vot siis! Pisut oli aega, tegime Nabeeliga raamatupidamist ja ökonoomikat, tema läks koju, mina tulin vahetasin riided ning läksin trenni. Ausalt oli hea trenn! Millal pole hea ;) :D?! Trenni lõpuks olin korralikult läbi ka, niiet oligi nädal jälle hästi alanud. Sõin kodus ja toimetasin veits ringi, aga nii oligi!
Teisipäev algas nagu ikka teises linnakus. Loeng ja seminar tehtud, läksin sain Jamie, Shivani ja Nabeeliga kokku Weir toas, lauatennis ja kerge chill, tulime tagasi põhilinnakusse, sõime lõunat ning siis läksime Raamatupidamise loengusse. Peale seda oli seminar ning siis oli mul natuke aega, et süüa ja õppida ja riided vahetada ning tuligi laudama minna. Ma olin suht väss ja alguses nagu polnudki nagu tuju, aga tuju tuli väga ruttu. KÕIK TULI NII IMELISELT VÄLJA!!! Mul oli nii nii hea tuju! Pärast rääkisin Andy ja Theo ja mõne teise kutiga pubis ja siis tulimegi koju. Tegin teed ja Abdallah oli all, niiet chillisime siin ning läksingi magama. Pikk päev selja taga, aga nii palju oli tehtud ning tuju oli super hea!
Kolmapäeva hommikul ärkasin normaalsest varem, tulin alla, tegin pannkoogi taigna, käisin üleval pesus ning tulin alla ning hakkasin pannkooke tegema. Shivani ja Nabeel tulid ning ühel hetkel tuli alla ka Aurore. Sõime pannkooke ning siis kella 11 läksime Shivani, Nabeeli ja Jan-iga Hortonisse. Mina ja Jan läksime seminari, Shivani ja Nabeel läksid loengusse. See oli päev kui me oma eksamitulemused teada saime. Emotsoonid olid loomulikult laes. Aga kõik läks väga hästi! Olen rahul! :) Peale seminari oli loeng, kus me ennast Jamie-ga üritasime üleval hoida ja keskenduda, aga see väga hästi ei õnnestunud :D. Peale seda saime Shivani ja Nabeeliga Õpilas Keskuses kokku, natuke chillisime ning siis läksime Shivaniga bussipeatusesse ning sõitsime teise linnakusse. Bussis kohtusime Theodoraga ning meil oli rääkida nii mõnestki asjast. Teises linnakus oli minul koos väga paljude sõberitega treening, et saada Student Ambassadoriks. See kestis kaks tundi ning siis oli minul üks kohtumine koos Heleni (õppejõud) ja mõne teise õpilasega, näiteks nagu Theodora ja Matt. Kella 5se bussiga tulime tagasi põhilinnakusse ning tulin koju. Tegemist oli ja siis läksin trenni kell 7. Bodypump on nagu see ikka on! Eks natuke pingutasin ka, aga väga üle vist ei pingutanud :D. Tulin koju, käisin pesus ning siis läksin sain kokku oma lumespordiga meie presidendi majas. Mängisime mänge ja vaatasime Harry Potterit. Tulin poole pealt koju, sest koolitöö vajas ka tegemist, niiet see päev lõpes hilja :D. Ups!
Neljapäeva hommik algas lõbusalt OISM-is. Meil oli jälle kaks tundi samas ruumis, sest väikeste seminaride asemel oli üks suur. Peale OISM-i oli mul kohtumine oma turunduse grupiga, ning panime paika kõik erinevad asjad mis, kus, kes jne. Peale seda sain kokku Shivani, Nabeeli, Deeba ja Sumeraga. Nemad tegid oma grupitööd ja mina tegin oma asju. Hiljem sõime lõunat ning siis oli minul kella 3st 5ni taaskord selle imelise uuringu reklaamimine. Seekord nii hästi ei läinud. Aga lõbus oli ikka, sest ma kohtusin ühe tütarlapsega, kes oli väga vahva! Niiet päris lahe oli! Natuke oli sellist ´mahajahtumis´ aega, siis kordasin reedeks ja kella 7ks läksin spordikasse, et teada saada oma trenni ära jäämisest. Ma olin nii väsinud, et õnneks ma ei tahtnudki väga sinna minna, niiet tulin tagasi koju ja õppisin selle asemel. Päev saigi seega niiviisi vaikselt läbi.
Reede algas nagu ikka vara hommikul selles küllaltki mitte meeldivas loengus. Ausõna.. ma väga üritan seda loengut kuulata, sest see nagu on huvitav aga see õppejõud lihtsalt pole :D. Peale seda läksin mina Richmondi ja istusin maha aatriumis ja lihtsalt õppisin. Teised läksid seminari, mina otsustasin oodata oma õiget aega :D. Kõigepealt tuli minu juurde Noma ja siis tuli Amina ja chillisime ning siis tulid kõik teised seminarist. Mina ja Roha ja Noma läksime hiljem , kella 12sesse seminari. See on omaette teema, millest ma isegi ei mõtle, et ma rääkima hakkan :D. Kõik tehtud, oligi päev läbi. Tulin koju, lasin Ly-l printda ning hakkasin õppima ja tegema igasuguseid muid asju. Ühel hetkel tuli Nabeel, natuke chillisime ja tema läks mingil hetkel koju, mina sõin õhtusööki ning töötasin edasi. Tegin turundust ja ökonoomikat. Mingil ajal videochattisin ja siis tulid alla Matt ja Ly. Ja siis ühel hetkel tuli Reinar ja lahkus ja hiljem ta tuli tagasi koos oma sõberitega ja siis oli aeg üles minna ning pikka pidu enam polnud, natuke jätkasin videokõnet aga siis sai magama mindud. Päev läbi!
Laupäeva hommikul ärkasin natuke peale 9t, panin riidesse ja läksin linna. Mul oli vaja paar kingitust osta ning nädalane shoppamine teha toidu osas. Kella 11ks olin kodus. Panin asjad ära, käisin pesus ja siis tulin alla, koristasin köögi ära ning panin asjad küpsetamiseks valmis. Sõin hommikusöögiks valmis ning siis tuli Nabeel. Hakkasime kooki küpsetama. See võttis ikka natuke aega :D sest see ei küpsenud ka päris ära alguses ning erinevad asjad vajasid tegemist. Lõpuks kuskil poole 4 paiku olime kaunistamise ja kõigega valmis. Siis läksime panime valmis ja jalutasime linna, Nadia jalutas meile vastu. Olin temaga korduvalt enne suhelnud, aga see oli esimene kord kui temaga kohtusin ja ootused läksid kõik täide! :) Tulime minu juurde, mängisime Aurore-i ja Mattiga, siis tuli Jordan ühel hetkel, tegime tellimuse ühte söögikohta ja siis jalutasime sinna söögikohta, et oma asjadele järgmi minna. Tulime tagasi, meie Nadiaga jutustasime igasugustest asjadest ning siis sõime oma õhtusööki. Nii hea!! Siis andsime üle Nadiale tema sünnipäeva kingituse ja koogi!! :) Meil oli ülimõnus õhtu! Callum tuli ka siia, niiet poisid läksid piljardit mängima, mina läksin saatsin Nadia linna bussi peale ning kohtusin Abdallahiga juhuslikult, niiet jalutasime koos koju. Nabeel tuli uuesti siia ja vaatasime filmi. Tema läks koju ja saigi tegelikult päev läbi. Selline oli minu eel-sõbrapäev :D.
Pühapäeval ärkasin pisut enne 10t. Käisin pesus ja tulin sõin all. Hommikusöögiks oli uhke südamega kook mis eile küpsetatud sai. Chillisin ja ärkasin õige pisut ja rääkisin väga paljude inimestega, kes kõik tähendavad nii palju!! Armastan kõiki inimesi enda ümber, ausalt! Olen üks õnneseen! Aitäh kõigile! Ühel hetkel läksin üles ja hakkasin õppima. Ja ma päris ausalt õppisin ja suhtlesin inimestega kuni kella poole 8ni õhtul. Kerge paus oli vahepeal, kuskil nelja paiku kui käisin ´lõunat´ söömas. Elena oli ka all, kiitis ka kooki!! Kaheksa lähedal algas meil skype kõne Britaga ja see on alati super hea!! :) Nii nii hea! Pärast kõnet Britaga läksin Õpilas Keskusesse ja ühinesin Matti, Ly, Aurore-i ja Mattiga pühapäevases viktoriinis. Olime väga lähedal võitmisele, aga ei võitnud :D. Matt ja Aurore hakkasid piljardit mängima, tulin koju, sõin ja hakkasin oma blogi kirjutama. See võtab alati omajagu aega :D.
Kallikalli! Loodan, et teil oli hea nädal- täis armastust ja soojust!
Heya!! I know I have been very naughty not translating it, but lack of time kicks in!! I will translate them both by Thursday I promise!! Sooner than that I hope! I am really very sorry! :( :)
HAPPY VALENTINE´S DAY!! Hope the week has been fabulous! :)
I am really sorry for being so late with translation! Pardon me! But here we go!
On Monday the week started in quite busy way. Marketing lecture, tutorial and fast lunch. After that I went to Student Central, bcause I had promised to promote the Student Survey. Within two hours I got 10 people to fill it up for me, which was pretty good! Others who did it at the same time, got basically the same amount or a bit less. After that I had a bit time and Nabeel and I did accounting and economics together. After that he went home and I came home, changed my clothes and went to gym. Super good, but when is it not, right ;)! I was really tired in the end of the workout, but it all was worth it! Good kick start for the week! Shower and ate back home and did school work and sleep time it was!
Tuesday started in other campus as usual. Lecture and tutorial done, went to meet Shivani, Jamie and Nabeel in Weir room. Table tennis and chill and then we came back to main campus, had lunch and then went to accounting lecture. After that we had tutorial and thenI just chilled with friends a bit, came home, changed clothes, ate and went to meet Snowsports team. I wasn´t really in the mood in the beginning, but once I got to the slope and started to board, everything went just soo well that I was super happy!! Enjoyed it more than ever! After that I had a chat with Andy and Theo and other guys in the pub. Back home, had tea and Abdallah was downstairs so we had a chat and then I went to bed. The mood was brilliant and a lot got done ;)!.
On Wednesday I woke up earlier than normal, came down, did pancake batter, went to shower, came back down and started to make pancakes. Shivani and Nabeel came over, so we had pancakes and had a really good morning in general! Aurore joined us at some point. At 11 we went to Horton with Shivani, Nabeel and Jan. Me and Jan went to tutorial and they went to lecture. That was a day when we got to know our exam results. I was very very nervous. Emotions when from one extent to other and then I finally opened them. Everything went really well and basically exactly how I expected them to go! After tutorial I went to lecture and Jamie joined me. We tried to stay focused, but wasn´t the most successful attempt! :D After that we met Shivani and Nabeel in Student Central and chilled a bit there. Then me and Shivani said by to boys and we went to School of Management. In bus we also met with Theodora and we had different things to talk about. Me and Shivani went to Student Ambassador training. It lasted for two hours we had like a lecture and then a tour which Student Ambassadors need to do when they show the school to new people. After that I had a meeting with Helen and other students (like Matt my PAL leader and Theodora). We talked about how could be communication be improved between school and students. We took the 5.10 pm bus back. Had things to do and then I got ready for Bodypump. I pushed myself a bit but not too much :D. Fairly enough. After workout I came home, had shower and then went to Bex´s (Snowsports president) house. Other members were there so we played Cards Against Humanity and had pizza and then played Exploding Kittens and then watched Harry Potter. I could not watch all of it, because I had work to do, so I came home and did Marketing. The day got quite long, but you know, happens!
Thursday morning started happily in OISM. We had two hours in the same room again, because instead of small tutorials we had one big. After OISM I had a meeting with my Mareketing group and we allocated different works to everyone. After that I went to meet Deeba, Sumera, Shivani and Nabeel. They did their group work and I did my things. After that I had lunch and then had Survey Promotion again. This time it was not that succesful and since it was from 3-5 pm, then places were quite empty of students too. So, yeah. What could you do ;). It was fun though, because I met this girl who had an amazing personality! After that I just rested a bit, revised for Friday and then went to gym. There I got to know that Boxercise was cancelled. I was so tired anyway, so I think it was a good thing. Came back home, studied and Thursday was over.
Friday started early in Quantitive Methods lecture. I have learned that if I have nothing good to say I should keep my mouth shut so that´s what I am going to do :D. We all went to Richmond, others went to tutorial, even Shivani and Jamie, but I did not want to go to the earlier one, so I just revised and did work and waited for my 12 o´clock one. Noma joined me and then Amina and later Roha and all the others. Me, Roha and Noma went to the tutorial and when that was done, weekend started! Back home, I let Ly to print and started to do other school work. At some point Nabeel came over and we had nice time together. He went home and I did dinner, and worked. Did economics and marketing. At some point I had a video chat with Nabeel, Jordan and Nadia. Later Matt and Ly came down, so it was all very busy. Reinar came in later with his friends and they were not very sober, so I just left because that was too much to take. I continued video chat for a bit and then went to bed!
On Satuday I woke a bit after 9, got dressed and went to town. I needed to buy couple of presents and grocery shopping needed to get done. I was back home by 11. Put everything away and then cleaned the kitchen and put everything ready for baking. Had my late breakfast and then Nabeel came and we started to bake Strawberry Cream cake. Well that cake took hours :D. But it was really fun to do! I am not usually very happy to share my baking, like if I want to bake I want to do it my own, but Nabeel was awesome helper and I enjoyed every second of that. This was actually pre-Valentine´s day. We made our relationship quite official with that. We finished the cake around 3.30, put it to fridge and got ready and walked to town. We met Nadia! My first time and I really liked Nadia right away. With some people you just click really well! We did talk before but that was first time we actually met! We came back to mine, played cards with Matt and Aurore and then Jordan finally joined us. We ordered food and then went to pick that up. We were so hungry when we got back home. So we all had our meals and felt so full after that! :D But we had cake obviously!! So we wished happy birthday to Nadia, we made small cake for her separately. Later Callum came and boys went to Student Central, I walked Nadia back to town, she took a bus and went home. I met luckily Abdallah, so I walked back with him and his friend. Back home I cleaned and Nabeel came back. After a bit he went back home and that´s how our busy but super awesome day ended! :)
On Sunday I woke up a bit before 10. Went to shower, came down and had breakfast. Obviously the cake was my breakfast :D. I just chilled a bit and talked with friends and family! HAPPY VALENTINE´S DAY EVERYONE! I actually love all people around me.. I think I have been extremely lucky to meet all of you! Thank you everyone for making life so enjoyable! At one point I started to revise and study and did that til 7.30 pm. There was a small break when i went downstairs to eat around four o´clock. Elena was downstairs and said that cake was really good! That makes me happy! Around 8 I skyped with Brita and we always have so much to talk about and plan etc. After the call I joined Matt, Ly, Aurore and Luke in Student Central for Pub Quiz. We were really close to winning, but we didn´t :D. Matt and Aurore played pool and I came home, wanted to eat and wrote blog! :) That it!
Kat xo
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