Esmaspäeval lasin endal natuke magada, aga mitte
liiga palju, sest tööd oli ikka roppumoodi teha. Mis siis, et terve nädal ühtegi loengut ega seminari ega muid asjalike kohustusi polnud. Alustasin turundusega ja
hiljem tegin PWO-d ja õppimise vahepeal tegin endale süüa ja teed ja
igasuguseid muid asju. Päev ausalt nii läkski. Ly´l olid Eestist kaks sõbrannat
ka külla tulnud, niiet vahepeal trehvasin nendega. Kell 7 läksin trenni nagu
tavaliselt ja oli üks väga hea trenn küll. Uus tüdruk oli jällegi trennis ja
mina olin temaga paaris, loodan, et teda ära ei hirmutanud, sest kuidagi on
juhtunud nii, et need uued kes on tulnud ja minuga paaris olnud, ei käi väga
tihti või siis ei tule üldse tagasi :D. Ma luban, pole minu süü, ma olen
nendega küllaltki kannatlik ja võtan asja kergelt. Kodus käisin pesus ja tegin
endale süüa ja hiljem skype-sime Nabeeliga.
Teisipäeval ärkasin kella 7 ajal ning käisin
pesus ja panin ennast valmis ning mingil hetkel peale 8t lahkusin kodust.
Kõndisin teise linnakusse, sest meil on ju vaheaeg ning buss sellel ajal ei
sõida. Selline poole tunnine jalutuskäik.Päris mõnus oli, sest ilm oli ilus ja
nii hea. Tegelesin mõnede küsimuste üleskirjutamisega, sest mul oli tulemas
kaks kohtumist tähtsate inimestega koolis. Veerand 11 oli esimene kohtumine
Martiniga, minu programmi juhiga. Temaga rääkisin oma teise aasta moodulitest
mitmel põhjusel. Hiljem kell 11 oli mul kohtumine Margaretiga kellega rääkisin
sõpruskoolidest Aasias. Veerand üheks olin kohtumistega ühel pool ning läksin
istusin maha ning hakkasin koolitööd tegema. Kella 2 paiku läksin käisin poes,
ostsin lõunat ning siis tulin tagasi ja leidsin eest Nabeeli. Õppisime koos,
tegime ökonoomikat jne. Natuke peale viit pidime lahkuma, sest raamatukogu
pandi kinni. Tema läks koju ja mina võtsin ette jällegi jalutuskäigu, et koju
jõuda.Tegin õhtusöögi ja sõin ning õhtul tegelsin niisama muude asjadega.
Kolmapäeval ärkasin ja käisin pesus ning sõin
hommikust ning taaskord tuli ennast kokku võtta ja koolitööd teha. Peale umbes
kolme tundi tegelesin natuke väikese üllatusega oma ameerika perele, sest
lihavõtted ju ukse ees ja lapsed ikka tahavad natuke kommi ka saada :D. Seda
siis tegingi. Tegime Sitneyga diili ja valmis. Sõin õhtusööki ning siis panin
ennast valmis ning lahkusin kodust, sest Amina ootas. Läksin talle külla, ta
oli uhke koogi küpsetanud ja jõime õiget maroko stiilis teed. Ta on sealt pärit.
Hiljem istusime maha ja arutasime oma turunduse projekti ja PWO postrit. Koju
jõudsin alles kuskil 10 paiku ja polnudki ju pikalt jäänud, et magama minna.
Jutustasime natuke Nabeeliga ja oligi päev läbi.
Neljapäeval ärkasin üles ning panin ennast valmis
ja läksin sööma. Kui see tehtud, siis tuli Abdallah ning läksime koos
Morrisoni, et endale süüa osta muidugi. Tulime tagasi, panime kõik asjad ära
sinna kus nad käivad ning siis hakkasin oma pesu pesemisega tegelama.
Kõigepealt käisin pesin voodipesu ära ja siis kõik muu pesu sinna otsa. Niiet
see võttis oma hea paar tundi kusjuures. Peale seda istusin maha ja tegin
natuke koolitööd, siis hiljem panin pesu kokku ning siis istusin uuesti maha ja
tegin veel koolitööd. Õhtul kella 7ks läksin trenni, aga siis sain teada, et
kuna treener haige jääb trenn ära ja mina võtsin selle uudise rõõmuga vastu,
sest pidingi see nädal veitsa vabamalt võtma. Tulin koju ja sõin ning siis
vaatasin filmi ja rääkisime Nabeeliga juttu.
Reedel ärkasin ja tulin alla sööma. Peagi tuli
Nabeel ning päeva jooksul me tegime erinevaid kooli töid. Tema luges minu
ökonoomika esseed ja aitas natuke sellega, siis kordasim quantsi eksamiks
natuke ja mõlemad tegelesime oma turunduse grupitöödega.Kuskil 2-3 paiku tulime
alla ja tegime lõunasööki ja sõime ning Abdallah oli siin, niiet jutustasime
temaga ja vahepeal nautisime Nabeeliga päikest, sest õues oli nii hea ilm.
Mängisime kaarte ka, siis pidi Abdallah tööle minema ja meie jätkasime tööga.
Nabeel lahkus kell 6, mina veits puhkasin. Hiljem tulin alla, tegin igasuguseid
asju ning siis tulid teised ja mängisime kaarte. Vot selline reede seekord.
Laupäeval ärkasin kuskil poole 11 paiku ning
ajasin ennast peale natukest vedelmist püsti. Käisin pesus ning tulin alla,
tegin hommikusööki ning sõin ja siis hakkasin PWO postriga tegelema. Mul
peaaegu kogu info olemas, tuli ainult paberile panna. See võttis oma jagu aega,
sest osa infot tuli vähendada ja ajajoon luua jne. Kell 2 hakkasime Janega
skypema. Ja imekombel või siis mitte nii väga võttis see aega täpselt kolm ja
pool tundi :D Niiet me lõpetasime pool 6. Ikka on ju palju rääkida, kui kaks
kuud rääkinud pole. Igatahes väga väga mõnus ja vahva! Siis keetsin pelmeene
ja sõin õhtusööki, natuke tegelesin veel postriga. Kell 7 lõpetasin ning
hakkasin blogi kirjutama.Pärast mängisime kaarte nendega, kes majas alles on ja
Ly eesti sõpradega. Kella 10 paiku tulin oma tuppa ja skypesin Nabeeliga.
Jäingi magama!
Pühapäeval ärkasin pool 12 ja käisin pesus.
Läksin alla ning hakkasin pannkooke tegema. Aurore küpsetas ka väga usinasti,
sest ta läheb Itaalia tripile nädalaks, niiet ta võttis süüa kaasa. Mina tegin
taigna ja pannkoogid sinna otsa ja siis sõin. Pole pannkooke nii ammu söönud,
niiet nüüd oligi õige aeg! Kui söödud ja nõud pestud hakkasin koolitööga
tegelema. Seekord panin kokku OISM-i raporti. See võttis nii 4-5 tundi aega.
Skype-sin Marisega tund aega. Pole ju ka väga ammu rääkinud, niiet need jutudki
räägitud ;). Peale seda tegin endale õhtusöögi- ravioolid ja brokoli ja
lillkapsas! Yum-yum!! Aurore tuli jällegi alla, sest tal oli aeg lahkuda.
Ütlesin talle saupakaa ning pesin ise nõud ära ning tulingi oma tuppa.
Olge mõnusad ja nautige kevadet! ;)
On Monday I let myself sleep a bit, but just a bit, because the work load is frightening. No lectures and no tutorials for two weeks, but seems that it will be even busier than regular weeks. I started with Marketing and later did PWO. Obviously ate some points of the day, and had tea and lots of other things. Ly had some friends from Estonia visiting so I met them and had a chat with them. At 7 pm I went to the gym and did my Boxercise class, super duper good! There was a new girl in there and I was her partner. I hope I didn´t scare her, because I was not going that easy, but not too hard either, tho I have noticed that some of them who come and are together with me first time, are not coming back :D. OOPS! I promise, not my fault :D. At home had shower and cooked and skyped with Nabeel.
Tuesday I woke up around 7, had shower and got ready. Went downstairs to eat and then left a bit after 8. I walked to the other campus. Since it´s a break time, then the bus does not run, so I walked. It´s not hard- half an hour walk, that´s it. I really enjoyed it, weather was surprisngly very nice too. At the School of Management, I sat down and wrote down some questions. I had two meeting coming up, so I prepared. At 10.15 I had my first meeting with Martin Owens, who is my Program Leader. I talked about different modules, because we need to make a decision soon for next year. Later at 11 I had meeting with Margaret. With her I talked about schools in Asia, who are connected with our university. She just came back from there so it was actually really fun and very well spent hour. About 12.15 pm I was done with my meetings. I went up to library and started to work on my economics essay. A bit after two I went outside to go to the store and buy lunch and then went back. Nabeel got there before I was back, so I ate and we had a chat and then we started to do school work again. Amazing to have a boyfriend with his dedication! After 5 pm we needed to leave, because they were closing the campus down, so I said goodbye to Nabeel and walked back home. Back home made dinner and rested from the day.
On Wednesday I woke up and got ready. Got myself together and started with school work again. After about three hours I decided to get candies and easter presents for Trey and Anna, so I had fun shopping! Sitney was my easter bunny! Later I made dinner and got ready, because Amina was waiting for me. So I walked through Bradford to her house. She made morocco tea and baked cake earlier so it was really really nice. We had a chat and then started to do marketing and pwo. I got back home around 10 pm. Didn´t have long left- had skype call with Nabeel and then went to bed.
On Thursday I got ready and went to eat breakfast. Abdallah came downstairs and after he ate we left together to Morrisions because food was more than needed. When shopping done, we came back home and put everything away. After that my laundry needed to get done, so this all took couple of hours, because everyhting needed to be washed. Did a bit of school work and when all the laundry was done, folded it and put it where it supposed to be :D. Then sat down again and did more school work. At 7 I went to the gym, but it came out that Tariq, who delivers that class, was ill, so there was no class. That worked with me, because I promised daddy that I will take it easy this week and over the break over all :D. Came back home, watched a movie and talked with Nabeel.
On Friday I woke up and went downstairs to eat. Soon Nabeel came, barely saw this week so it was really really good. He read my essay and helped a bit with that, then we revised for quantitative methods exam and later we both did our marketing reports. Around 2-3 we went downstairs and made lunch. Abdallah came too so we played cards and chilled a bit. Abdallah left for work and me and Nabeel enjoyed a bit of a sun. He left at 6 pm and I took a break. Later I went downstairs and studied a bit and then played cards with house mates and estonians.
On Saturday I woke up and left bed around 10.30. Had shower and breakfast and then decided to put together PWO´s poster. I had all the information, it just needed to get on the paper. It took me until 2 pm, because text needed to be cropped and all the layout and everything, so yes. At 2 me and Jane started skyping and we literally talked for 3 hours. Lot to talk if all two months need to be caught up! Super fun anyway! After that made dumplings and ate and did a bit more on the poster. Finished at 7 and then started with my blog. Played cards again and then had a skype with Nabeel and fell asleep.
On Sunday I woke up at 11.30 am and had shower. Went downstairs and started to make pancakes. Aurore was baking too, because she was going to leave for Italy that day, so she made some food for the bus ride. I made the batter and then made pancakes and ate. So long since I had them! Everything cleaned, started with my school work again. This time I put together my OISM report. It took me 4-5 hours and then we had a skype call with Maris. We had an hour, because she needed to leave, but still so nice to catch up! After that made myself a dinner with broccoli and cauliflower with raviolis. Yum yum! Aurore came down and I said bye to her for a week. Washed my dishes and came upstairs. End of the week!
Lots of sunshine to you all!!
Happy Easter!
On Monday I let myself sleep a bit, but just a bit, because the work load is frightening. No lectures and no tutorials for two weeks, but seems that it will be even busier than regular weeks. I started with Marketing and later did PWO. Obviously ate some points of the day, and had tea and lots of other things. Ly had some friends from Estonia visiting so I met them and had a chat with them. At 7 pm I went to the gym and did my Boxercise class, super duper good! There was a new girl in there and I was her partner. I hope I didn´t scare her, because I was not going that easy, but not too hard either, tho I have noticed that some of them who come and are together with me first time, are not coming back :D. OOPS! I promise, not my fault :D. At home had shower and cooked and skyped with Nabeel.
Tuesday I woke up around 7, had shower and got ready. Went downstairs to eat and then left a bit after 8. I walked to the other campus. Since it´s a break time, then the bus does not run, so I walked. It´s not hard- half an hour walk, that´s it. I really enjoyed it, weather was surprisngly very nice too. At the School of Management, I sat down and wrote down some questions. I had two meeting coming up, so I prepared. At 10.15 I had my first meeting with Martin Owens, who is my Program Leader. I talked about different modules, because we need to make a decision soon for next year. Later at 11 I had meeting with Margaret. With her I talked about schools in Asia, who are connected with our university. She just came back from there so it was actually really fun and very well spent hour. About 12.15 pm I was done with my meetings. I went up to library and started to work on my economics essay. A bit after two I went outside to go to the store and buy lunch and then went back. Nabeel got there before I was back, so I ate and we had a chat and then we started to do school work again. Amazing to have a boyfriend with his dedication! After 5 pm we needed to leave, because they were closing the campus down, so I said goodbye to Nabeel and walked back home. Back home made dinner and rested from the day.
On Wednesday I woke up and got ready. Got myself together and started with school work again. After about three hours I decided to get candies and easter presents for Trey and Anna, so I had fun shopping! Sitney was my easter bunny! Later I made dinner and got ready, because Amina was waiting for me. So I walked through Bradford to her house. She made morocco tea and baked cake earlier so it was really really nice. We had a chat and then started to do marketing and pwo. I got back home around 10 pm. Didn´t have long left- had skype call with Nabeel and then went to bed.
On Thursday I got ready and went to eat breakfast. Abdallah came downstairs and after he ate we left together to Morrisions because food was more than needed. When shopping done, we came back home and put everything away. After that my laundry needed to get done, so this all took couple of hours, because everyhting needed to be washed. Did a bit of school work and when all the laundry was done, folded it and put it where it supposed to be :D. Then sat down again and did more school work. At 7 I went to the gym, but it came out that Tariq, who delivers that class, was ill, so there was no class. That worked with me, because I promised daddy that I will take it easy this week and over the break over all :D. Came back home, watched a movie and talked with Nabeel.
On Friday I woke up and went downstairs to eat. Soon Nabeel came, barely saw this week so it was really really good. He read my essay and helped a bit with that, then we revised for quantitative methods exam and later we both did our marketing reports. Around 2-3 we went downstairs and made lunch. Abdallah came too so we played cards and chilled a bit. Abdallah left for work and me and Nabeel enjoyed a bit of a sun. He left at 6 pm and I took a break. Later I went downstairs and studied a bit and then played cards with house mates and estonians.
On Saturday I woke up and left bed around 10.30. Had shower and breakfast and then decided to put together PWO´s poster. I had all the information, it just needed to get on the paper. It took me until 2 pm, because text needed to be cropped and all the layout and everything, so yes. At 2 me and Jane started skyping and we literally talked for 3 hours. Lot to talk if all two months need to be caught up! Super fun anyway! After that made dumplings and ate and did a bit more on the poster. Finished at 7 and then started with my blog. Played cards again and then had a skype with Nabeel and fell asleep.
On Sunday I woke up at 11.30 am and had shower. Went downstairs and started to make pancakes. Aurore was baking too, because she was going to leave for Italy that day, so she made some food for the bus ride. I made the batter and then made pancakes and ate. So long since I had them! Everything cleaned, started with my school work again. This time I put together my OISM report. It took me 4-5 hours and then we had a skype call with Maris. We had an hour, because she needed to leave, but still so nice to catch up! After that made myself a dinner with broccoli and cauliflower with raviolis. Yum yum! Aurore came down and I said bye to her for a week. Washed my dishes and came upstairs. End of the week!
Lots of sunshine to you all!!
Happy Easter!
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