Tsau tsau!
Pühapäeval ärkasin ning hakkasin toimetama. Asjad tuli veel pakkida ja essee lõpetada ning siis kella 1 paiku lahkusin emmega kodust. Eks kurb ikka lahkuda aga ise olen oma elu nii paika pannud. Sõitsime Sauele. Tee oli päris kohutav ja sõitmine polnud väga lõbus, aga emme sai hakkama! Sauel kohtusin Reinari ja tema isaga ning panime Riia poole ajama. Üks vene poiss Maardust oli ka meiega. Rääkisime igasugustest asjadest. Reinari isal on palju väga lahedaid kogemusi, sest ta on sõjaväes tööl. Sõit oli väga ärevust tekitav aga ta sai väga vägevalt hakkama. Jõudsime lennujaama kell 7. Lend pidi minema pool 9. Pool 9 polnud me veel lennukile saanud aga liikusime selle poole. Saime lennukisse, aga õhku tõusime alles peale poolt 10t, sest ilm oli nii kohutav ja nad pidi tankima ja tiivad jääst puhastama jne. Bradfordi jõudsime siis pisut peale 10t. Tulime bussiga tagasi ja bussijaamast võtsime takso. Kodus tegime Reinariga pelmeene ja tal oli soolakurki ja leiba. Niiet väga mõnus! Saimegi magama!
Esmaspäeval tuli mul suht vara ärgata sest ökonoomika ootas. Peale hommikusööki alustasin kordamisega ning õppisin sirgelt 5 tundi. Peale seda tulid Janek ja Roha minu juurde ning tegime eelmise aasta eksamit. Roha lahkus ja meie Janekiga jätkasime. Kui Janek ka koju läks, sõin õhtusööki ning siis läksin sain Roha ja teistega Richmondis kokku ning tegime veel mõned tunnid kordamist. Sain aru, et minul olid asjad isegi palju rohkem selged kui mõnedel neist. See oli positiivne. Läksin veel chillisin Roha ja Kumbaga ning siis tulin koju ja voodi oli rohkem kui teretulnud.
Teisipäeval ärkasin täitsa okei ajal ja siis peale hommikusööki hakkasin ökonoomikaks kordama. Lugesin läbi oma märkmed ning siis hakkasin seminare läbi tegema. Vahepeal tegin 10 minutit pausi ning siis lasin edasi. Peale seda sõin lõunat, käisin pesus ning kella kolmest sain Roha ja teistega Richmondis kokku. Hakkasime kordama aga enne kella 4 visati meid ruumist välja, sest seal hakkas eksam. Proovisime teist ruumi aga seal oli ka eksam sees. Niiet otsustasime minu majja tulla. Mina ei teinudki väga midagi, seat mul olid kõik seminarid läbi tehtud, niiet tegin veel eelmise aasta eksamit, ning siis paningi asjad ära. Teised läksid kuskil 6-7 paiku minema. Mina tegin endale õhtusöögi ning hiljem vaatasin filmi ja läksin magama. Pea huugas kõigest :D.
Kolmapäev oli küllaltki närvesööv päev. Vähemalt esimene pool sellest. Kell 9.15 hakkas ökonoomika eksam. Sain enne sõberitega kokku ja läksime kõik koos, olime küll erinevates ruumides, aga samas hoones. Selle eksami pärast olin ma kõige rohkem närvis. Poolteist tundi närvesöövat vastamist ja läbi. Ma ei teagi täpselt mis tunne mul pärast seda oli. Ma vastasin kõigele ja niipalju kui oskasin ja nii ongi. Kõik on nii nagu sellel paberil on ja kahjuks või õnneks ei saa ma midagi enam muuta. Andsin endale tund aega puhkust, sõin lõunat ja asja ning siis hakkasin järgmise päeva eksamiks kordama- raamatupidamine. Kõik tuli ilusti välja ja tundus super kerge. Kuskil natuke peale 5te läksin Õpilas Keskusesse, kus teised kordasid, et Roha käest paar asja üle küsida ja tundsin, et olen eksamiks valmis. Tegelt ka, niiet läksin kell 7 Bodypumpi. Nii hea aga natuke pingutasin üle raskustega :D. Trepid ei olnud mu sõbrad enam peale trenni. Aga ei väga mõnus. Käisin pesus ja tegin endale õhtusöögi ning läksingi peagi magama. Vot selline vahva päev!
Neljapäev oli selline vahva päev! Hommikul magasin natuke. Ärkasin natuke peale poolt 10t, panin ennast valmis, vaatasin paar asja eksamiks üle ja läksin alla sööma. Jamie tuli minu juurde, jutustasime ja kui söödud läksime Õpilas Keskusesse. Ostsime kakaod ja läksime otsisime Nabeel-i ja Shivani üles. Nemad leitud chillisime niisama ja läksime Richmondi ning kell 1 hakkas meil raamatupidamise eksam. Poolteist tundi närvi ja kirjutamist ning valmis see oligi. Tarkused paberil ja jääme parimat lootma! Peale seda tulin koju, rääkisin sõberitega ja emme-issiga ning siis sain uuesti Roha ja crewga kokku ning läksime restorani MyLahore. See on aasia restoran. Sõin nii palju! Aga see oli väga maitsev!! Ja magustoit oli imeline! Peale seda läksime Richmondi. Lõpetasin oma essee viitamise ja tulin koju. Andsin Luke-ile raamatud natuke puhkasin ja siis läksin alla teed jooma. Aitasin Elenal jääs liha lõigata ning siis tuli Aurore ning meil oli paljust rääkida. Kella 9 paiku tulin üles ja uni ei olnud kaugel. Mõtlesin et puhkan ka natuke sest järgmine eksam alles teisipäeval.
Reede hommikul ärkasin ja natuke tuli veel esseega tegelda. Tegelesin sellega peale hommikusööki. Ning siis hakkasin turundusega tegelema, mis ei olnud just väga produktiivne. Esitasin essee ja ühel hetkel tegin lõunauinaku. Ärkasin ja õppisin veel ja siis tegin süüa, sõin, korsitasin kogu köögi ära ja läksin filmi vaatama. Peale seda võtsin ennast kokku ja õppisin korralikult mitu tundi. Hiljem õhtul istusime paljudega meie majast laua taha ja mängisime kaarte inimsuse vastu. Mäng selline. Nalja sai väga palju! Oli väga mõnus!
Laupäeva hommikul ärkasin ja hakkasin kohe tegutsema. Peale hommikusööki hakkasin õppima ja õppisin ikka 4-5 tundi. Siis tegin lõunat ja sõin ning läksin üles ja vaatasin filmi. Nii mõnus on asju niiviisi vaikselt võtta vahel. Hiljem õhtul tegin teed ja siis jõudis Abdallah ka lõpuks koju. Tema oli viimane kes saabus tagasi majja. Mängisime Matti, Aurore-i, Luke-i ja Reinariga kaarte. Peale paari mängu läksime Abdallahiga burksi ostma ning kodus sõime ja jutustasime. Siis otsustasime magama minna.
Pühapäeval magasin nagu pühapäevale kohane ja mida ma pole väga ammu teinud. Ajasin ennast lõpuks kuskil poole 1 aeg voodist välja ning tulin alla, et süüa. Abdallah tuli ka suht samal ajal. Siis panin ennast valmis ja läksin koos Abdallahi ja Mattiga Morrisoni. Kodus panime asjad ära ning siis läksin koos Abdllahiga spordikasse. Tegime mõlemad oma trenni. Minuga ühines ootamatult see kutt, kellega ma igas trennis muidu koos olen, niiet me jutustasime ja tegime trenni. Peale poolteist tundi tulime Abdallahiga koju. Käisin pesus, sõin ka hakkasime koos kordama. Natuke 9 läbi lõpetasin ja kirjutasin blogi lõpuni ning hakkasin filmi vaatama.
Loodan, et teil kõigil tuli uus aasta hästi ja nädal on olnud vahva!
Hi ya all!
On Sunday 3rd of January I woke up and started to do all different stuff! I needed to pack and fisnish my essay, which I did and at 12.30 pm I left from home with mom after saying bye to daddy and Bossu. It was sad, but that´s the life I have chosen. We drove to Saue, near Tallinn. The road was pretty horrible and drive not pleaseant at all, because snow came down last night and still was snowing when we were driving. We met Reinar and his dad and said bye to mom and we all set off to Riga. One russian boy was also with us. We talked about all sorts of different stuff and Reinar´s dad has a lot of fun experiences, so those hours were not that boring. Also the roads got worse and worse closer Riga. We made it to the airport at 7 and our flight was scheduled to 8.30 pm. By 8.30 we weren´t in the plane yet, but we were moving towards it. Weather was just horrible so as long as the flight was still going, I didn´t care much. We got to the plane and took off finally around 9.30 pm. We made it to Bradford a bit after 10 pm local time and sat on a bus and then taxi and back home we were! Boiled dumplings and had some other traditional estonian food what Reinar had, and sleep came quick!
Monday I needed to get up quite early because economics was waiting. After breakfast I started revising and studied literally for 5 hours. After that Janek and Roha came and we did past exam paper. Roha left, Janek stayed for a bit. After he left I had dinner and met up with Roha and other friends and we did more revising. I realised that I actually had cleared out more stuff than others, which was nice and sad at the same time. Went to chill with Roha and Kumba and then when I got back home, bed was my best friend.
Tuesday I woke up in a quite okay time. After breakfast it was economics again. Read through all of my notes and then started to solve tutorials again. At some point had 10 minute break and continued. After those had lunch, had shower and at 3 met up with Roha and others again. We started to revise but at 4 they kicked us out in the room in Richmond, because an exam was planned in that room. We came to my place and I soon decided not tot take part of the revising, because I did them all and they only confused me :P. I did the past exam paper one more time. They left around 6-7. I made dinner and watched a movie and went to bed. My brain was over heated.
Wednesday was quite anxious day, because we had our economics exam. The one I feared the most. I met my friends and we all went together to our exam rooms. We started writing at 9.15. Hour and half of stress and it was done. I can´t even tell any emotions. I put evertyhing on a paper and hoping that that was good enough. I can not change it anymore so let that go and moved on to next exam! Gave myself an hour to rest and then started to revise for accounting. Everything went very well and I felt really good with that. Everything seemed easy, too easy actualy. A bit after 5 I went to student central and joined Roha and others, but after couple of small questions to Roha I was ready to leave, because I felt ready. So I did and decided to go to the gym! Very good decision! Bodypump. I am saying it very honetly that I did a bit too much, but that´s okay :D. Stairs were not my friends after that. Had shower, ate and went to bed.
Thursday was fun! Slept in the morning, woke up and got ready. Checked couple of things for exam and went downstairs. Started to have breakfast and then Jamie came. We had a chat and after I finished my eating we went to Student Central, bought hot chocolate and met up with Shiv and Nabeel. After a bit we went to Rihcmind and the exam started at 1. Hour and half of writing and calculating and ready. I liked this exam and even tho I felt night before that everything is too easy, it actually was like that and evertyhing I practiced. So I am hoping for the best from it. Came back home for a bit and then went to Roha and squad to restaurant called MyLahore. It´s asian, but luckily wasn´t anything too spicy, tho I did eat a lot. Super delicious! After that we went to Richmond and I finished citing my essay. Back home, gave books to Luke and helped Elena to cut frozen meat. After that Aurore came down and we had a lot to talk about. After 9 I came up and sleep actually wasn´t that far away. I thought I will have a proper rest, because next exam was on Tuesday.
On Friday I woke up and fixed my essay a bit. Had breakfast, last touches to essay and after that started to revise for Marketing. Submitted my essay and then had a nap. Woke up, studied a bit more, cooked, ate and cleaned whole kitchen. After that watched a movie and then actually studied a lot, several hours. Later we sat with a lot of housemates downstairs and played Cards Against Humanity. Was super fun!!
On Saturday woke up and started to be active. Had breakfast and studied for like 4-5 hours. Made lunch, came back upstairs and watched a movie. It´s so good to take things easy sometimes. Later made tea and had that and then Abdallah came back. He was the last one to arrive from the house. Later played cards with Matt, Aurore, Luke and Reinar. After couple of games, me and Abdallah went to get burgers and came back home to eat them. Soon enough went to bed.
On Sunday I slept like Sundays require. Have not done for a veery long time. So I got up around 12.30 pm and went downstairs to eat. Abdallah came almost at the same time. I got ready and we went to Morrsions with Abdallah and Matt. Back home we put things away and then me and Abdallah went to gym. We did our own things and at some point I got accompined by one of the guys who works out with me in the same classes most of the days. So we talked and worked out! Super good! We came back home with Abdallah, I had shower and started revising. A bit after 9 I finished, wrote my blog and started to watch a movie.
I hope you all have had a good week!
Hi ya all!
On Sunday 3rd of January I woke up and started to do all different stuff! I needed to pack and fisnish my essay, which I did and at 12.30 pm I left from home with mom after saying bye to daddy and Bossu. It was sad, but that´s the life I have chosen. We drove to Saue, near Tallinn. The road was pretty horrible and drive not pleaseant at all, because snow came down last night and still was snowing when we were driving. We met Reinar and his dad and said bye to mom and we all set off to Riga. One russian boy was also with us. We talked about all sorts of different stuff and Reinar´s dad has a lot of fun experiences, so those hours were not that boring. Also the roads got worse and worse closer Riga. We made it to the airport at 7 and our flight was scheduled to 8.30 pm. By 8.30 we weren´t in the plane yet, but we were moving towards it. Weather was just horrible so as long as the flight was still going, I didn´t care much. We got to the plane and took off finally around 9.30 pm. We made it to Bradford a bit after 10 pm local time and sat on a bus and then taxi and back home we were! Boiled dumplings and had some other traditional estonian food what Reinar had, and sleep came quick!
Monday I needed to get up quite early because economics was waiting. After breakfast I started revising and studied literally for 5 hours. After that Janek and Roha came and we did past exam paper. Roha left, Janek stayed for a bit. After he left I had dinner and met up with Roha and other friends and we did more revising. I realised that I actually had cleared out more stuff than others, which was nice and sad at the same time. Went to chill with Roha and Kumba and then when I got back home, bed was my best friend.
Tuesday I woke up in a quite okay time. After breakfast it was economics again. Read through all of my notes and then started to solve tutorials again. At some point had 10 minute break and continued. After those had lunch, had shower and at 3 met up with Roha and others again. We started to revise but at 4 they kicked us out in the room in Richmond, because an exam was planned in that room. We came to my place and I soon decided not tot take part of the revising, because I did them all and they only confused me :P. I did the past exam paper one more time. They left around 6-7. I made dinner and watched a movie and went to bed. My brain was over heated.
Wednesday was quite anxious day, because we had our economics exam. The one I feared the most. I met my friends and we all went together to our exam rooms. We started writing at 9.15. Hour and half of stress and it was done. I can´t even tell any emotions. I put evertyhing on a paper and hoping that that was good enough. I can not change it anymore so let that go and moved on to next exam! Gave myself an hour to rest and then started to revise for accounting. Everything went very well and I felt really good with that. Everything seemed easy, too easy actualy. A bit after 5 I went to student central and joined Roha and others, but after couple of small questions to Roha I was ready to leave, because I felt ready. So I did and decided to go to the gym! Very good decision! Bodypump. I am saying it very honetly that I did a bit too much, but that´s okay :D. Stairs were not my friends after that. Had shower, ate and went to bed.
Thursday was fun! Slept in the morning, woke up and got ready. Checked couple of things for exam and went downstairs. Started to have breakfast and then Jamie came. We had a chat and after I finished my eating we went to Student Central, bought hot chocolate and met up with Shiv and Nabeel. After a bit we went to Rihcmind and the exam started at 1. Hour and half of writing and calculating and ready. I liked this exam and even tho I felt night before that everything is too easy, it actually was like that and evertyhing I practiced. So I am hoping for the best from it. Came back home for a bit and then went to Roha and squad to restaurant called MyLahore. It´s asian, but luckily wasn´t anything too spicy, tho I did eat a lot. Super delicious! After that we went to Richmond and I finished citing my essay. Back home, gave books to Luke and helped Elena to cut frozen meat. After that Aurore came down and we had a lot to talk about. After 9 I came up and sleep actually wasn´t that far away. I thought I will have a proper rest, because next exam was on Tuesday.
On Friday I woke up and fixed my essay a bit. Had breakfast, last touches to essay and after that started to revise for Marketing. Submitted my essay and then had a nap. Woke up, studied a bit more, cooked, ate and cleaned whole kitchen. After that watched a movie and then actually studied a lot, several hours. Later we sat with a lot of housemates downstairs and played Cards Against Humanity. Was super fun!!
On Saturday woke up and started to be active. Had breakfast and studied for like 4-5 hours. Made lunch, came back upstairs and watched a movie. It´s so good to take things easy sometimes. Later made tea and had that and then Abdallah came back. He was the last one to arrive from the house. Later played cards with Matt, Aurore, Luke and Reinar. After couple of games, me and Abdallah went to get burgers and came back home to eat them. Soon enough went to bed.
On Sunday I slept like Sundays require. Have not done for a veery long time. So I got up around 12.30 pm and went downstairs to eat. Abdallah came almost at the same time. I got ready and we went to Morrsions with Abdallah and Matt. Back home we put things away and then me and Abdallah went to gym. We did our own things and at some point I got accompined by one of the guys who works out with me in the same classes most of the days. So we talked and worked out! Super good! We came back home with Abdallah, I had shower and started revising. A bit after 9 I finished, wrote my blog and started to watch a movie.
I hope you all have had a good week!
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