Tsau sau!
Esmaspäeval algas uus semester uue hooga! Kell 10 olin vanas heas loengu saalis ja algas Turundus. Mainin siinkohal ära, et tunniplaan on põhimõtteliselt sama nagu eelmine semester. Helen oli vahva nagu ikka ja minu PAL juht oli ka kohale tulnud, sest rääkis PAL sessioonidest ning seetõttu olin ka mina palutud kõikide ees püsti tõusma ja rääkima kui toredad need sessioonid on, sest noh, mina. Peale loengut jutustasin Roshneega ja siis tulime Jamie, Nabeel-i ja Valeriga minu juurde. Sõime kooki ja jutustasime Abdallahi ja tema sõbraga. Kella kahest lahkusime, Nabeel läks sõbra juurde ning meie kolmekesi kinno, et vaadata Tähtede Sõja viimast osa. Mulle niiii meeldis!! Tõesti oli ülihea. Jamie läks peale filmi koju ning mina ja Valeri jalutasime koju. Mul oligi aega süüa ja siis läksin kella 7ks trenni. Peale trenni käisin pesus ja jõin teed ja lõppeski päev ära.
Teisipäeval tuli alustada vara, et kell 9 loengus olla teises linnakus. Oli küll raske üles saada, aga sain hakkama. See polnud just väga huvitav loeng, aga sai hakkama. Vähemalt olid enamus sõberid seal, niiet nalja sai! Peale loengut läksime Jamie, Nabeeli, Shivani ja Valeriga Weir tuppa et ping pongi mängida ning veetsime seal umbes poolteist tundi. Kuulasime muusikat ja chillisime niisama. Võtsime 12.10 bussi tagasi ning käisime ostsime burksi ning sõime kiirelt enne loengut lõunat. See aasta on raamatupidamine teises loengusaalis. Läksime sinna ja kuulasime loengu ära ning kuna me ei tahtnud kohe seminari minna siis ootasime Nabeeli ja Shivaniga ning kuna seminar lõppes varem ära ja me teadsime seda õpetajat, siis ta tegi meile kolmele kiire ülevaate mis seminaris teemaks oli. Käisin ruttu kodus, võtsin raamatud ja siis läksin Õpilas Keskusesse ning sain uuesti Shivani ja Nabeeliga kokku. Jutustasime ja arutasime igasuguseid asju, vahepeal lahkus Shivani ning siis kell 5 Nabeel. Mina tagastasin raamatud raamatukokku ning läksin koju. Sõin ruttu ja läksin trenni. See nädal veel laudamist ei olnud, niiet tegin niisama omaette trenni. Nii see päev otsa saigi.
Kolmapäeval läksin kella 10ks õpilas keskusesse ning ma olin ennast kirja pannud kui vabatahtlik. Kohtusin selle inimesega kellega ma meile vahetasin ning ta andis mulle voldikud ning jättis mind lauda üles seadma. Olin siis vabatahtlikke laua juures, et seletada inimestel kus ja kuidas ja mis nad teha saavad. See oli suure seminari raames nagu meil septembris oli. Kella 12ks läksin tunniks ajaks ökonoomika loengusse ning siis jälle tagasi. Ühel hetkel tuli liitus minuga Nabeel ja hoidis meeleolu üleval. Kella 4 paiku lahkusime ning läksime minu koju. Kohtusime veel Janekuga ka enne. Nabeel läks kell 5 koju, mina sõin ning kella 7ks läksin Bodypumpi. Super hea trenn! Vahva on vaadata ka seda kuidas kõik ülejäänud 15 inimest kannavad musti trenni pükse ja mina alati värvilisi. :D Peale trenni olin omadega nii läbi, et kui ma pesus olin ära käinud siis läksingi voodisse, natuke chillisin ja jäingi magama.
Neljapäeval algas mul kell 10 OISM. Ausõna aine mida ma lihtsalt ei salli. Aga noh, kuidagi sai hakkama. Peale loengut läksin koju, lugesin seminariks ning läksin kell 12 seminari. Täitsa tore oli. Seminar on alati vahvam kui loeng. Siis läksin koju ning läksin koju ja käisin pesu pesemas. Kui pesu pestud, osa läks kuivatisse ja osa panin kodus kuivama. Siis käisime Ly-ga linnas ja kui tagasi tulime, käisin võtsin kuivatist pesu ja sõin ning möllasin ringi. Õhtul kell pool 8 läksin Interchange-i. Ootasin mõned minutid ja olingi Martini ning Nele embuses. Paremat ei oskakski tahta! Viisime kohvrid koju, käisime Meltis söömas ja siis Sainsburys. Meltis juhtus see, et see pasta mille ma sain oli nii vürtsikas, et nad vahetasid mu toidu ära ja sain normaalse inimese kombel süüa. Pärast läksime koju ja mängisime sõberitega kaarte ning siis ühel hetkel läksime magama kui juba päris palju jutustatud oli ;).
Reedel ärkasime ja panime kõik ennast valmis ning läksime minu uude loengusse kell 9. See oli selline enam-vähem. Ei teagi nagu mida oodata.
Tutvustasin sõpru sõberitele ja siis läksime ning sõitsime teise linnakusse. Näitasin Martinile ja Nelele seal ringi. Kuna aga vihma sadas ei saanud me parki minna, niiet sõitsime tagasi linna ning läksime National Media Museumisse. Roha ja Zakia ja Kumba ning Dale tulid ka meiega. Seal oli väga väga vahva! PALJU ÕNNE KERSTIN! Saatsime Kerstinile sünnipäeva tervituse sealt! ;) Peale muuseumi jäime kolmekesi ning läksime Broadwaysse. Sõime ja siis shoppasime!! Martin on shoppamise kuningas! Broadwayst jalutasime veel Forster Square-i ja käisime seal mõned poed läbi ning siis käisime Aldis, kust ostsime süüa. Enne koju minekut aga käisime veel vahvleid söömas, niiet rohkem meil polnudki kaloreid vaja. Kodus mängisime kaarte ja kuna oli reede õhtu siis paljud mõtlesid, et pidu on hea mõte. Mina hoidsin sellest natuke eemale ja Nele ka enam-vähem aga teised mängisid joomismänge. Abdallah tuli ka oma sõberitega, niiet meid oli palju. Aga vahva oli! Meie majas osatakse selliseid korralikke ja viisakaid istumisi hästi teha. Lõpuks jäime üles mina, Nele, Martin, Luke, Jan ja tema sõber. Ja siis kõige viimased olime meie Martini ja Luke-iga. Asi oli selles, et Martin ja Nele olid ostnud piletid rongile mis väljus 5.40. Niiet Martin otsustas mitte magada ja Nele magas umbes tund aega. :P Nad lahkusid 5 paiku ja mina läksin magama.
Laupäeval ärkasin pool 1, sõin, õppisin ja läksime Adallahiga trenni. Tegin korralikult poolteist tundi trenni ning läksime Abdallahiga koju. Õppisin veel veidike ja siis aitasin Jamali, sest ta ostsis väga palju süüa kaasa. Kirjutasin ja tõlkisin oma blogi. See kõik võttis tunde aega. Skypesin sõberitega ja siis kesköö paiku jalutasime Luke-iga rongijaama, et Nelele ja Martinile vastu minna. Mõlemad olid mega väsinud, aga pole hullu! Noorena peabki palju asju jõudma. Koju jõudes leidsime Reinari sõberitega ning meie üritasime omaette kaarte mängida aga need sõberid olid päris valjud. Niiet me loobusime ühel hetkel. Kõhud aga läksid siiski tühjaks, niiet läksime alla ja tegime pastat. Sõime ja naersime purjus inimeste üle! Ühel hetkel saime magama ka!
Pühapäeval ärkasime 10 paiku ning panime ennast valmis. Sõime hommikusööki ja siis läksime Broadwaysse. Martin käis tellitud särkidel järgi ja Nele ostis koti ning siis läksime prantsuse restorani kooki sööma ja teed jooma. Nii hää! Peale seda jalutasime rongijaama ja sõitsime Leedsi. Jalutasime seal ringi ja shoppasime ja nautisime ilusat Leedsi. Hiljem jalutasime tänavatel. Käisime LUSH-i poes. Haises nagu seep ja vannivaht aga lahe pood on ikka!
Tulime tagasi Bradfordi ja käisime MyLahore-is söömas. Näm-näm! Olen enda üle uhke, sõin sellist natuke vürtsikat. Nii hea! Tulime koju ja rääkisime majakaaslastega juttu ning mina ja Nele läksime magama. Viinamarja sõda oli ka Mattiga. Martin jäi Ly ja Luke-iga üles. Vot selline tore nädal!! ;)
On Monday the new semester started. We´ll take it easy the first week, okay :) ;). At 10 we all found ourselves familiar lecture theatre with Marketing lecture. The time schedule for this semester is basically the same as it was last semester with an only change on Friday. Helen is as awesome as she was last semester and also there was my PAL leader to talk about PAL sessions and thanks to that I managed to stand up in front of 200 other students to tell them that yes PAL sessions are worth it. Only me... Helen asked me to and how can I say no then.. After lecture I had a chat with Roshnee and she gave me cake! Super awesome of her to do that. After that Jamie, Nabeel and Valeri came over to mine, because why not, we did not have much else to do to be honest. We ate cake and talked with Abdallah and his friend who was also over. At two Nabeel went to Callum´s (who lives a house below) and I went to movie theatre with Jamie and Val. LAST STAR WARS!! Awesome! I was really excited and did not have to disappoint! Loved that movie! Jamie went home after movie and I walked back with Valeri. I ate and then at 7 went to the gym! Almost regular routine, isn´t it! :D ;)
Tuesday started as early as last semester- too early. Went to the other campus and started lecture at 9. It was okay lecture, have had better ones :P. At least all the friends were there and it´s always fun with them! After lecture I wet to Weir room with Valeri, Jamie, Shivani and Nabeel. We played table tennis, I read accounting lecture slides and of course we had music! Took 12.10 bus back, went to burger time, ate and then went to the first accounting lecture. Our tutorial was supposed to be an hour later than the lecture, so we waited with Shivani ja Nabeel, because Jamie went home. The tutorial ended early and since all three of us knew that tutor, then we just went in and had a chat with her and she quickly went over the tutorial with us. So we had a private session! I came home real quick, took my books and went back to Student Central to join Shivani and Nabeel. We had a lot of stuff to discuss. Shivani left a bit after 4 and Nabeel left at 5. I spent a bit more there, then took my books back to library. Back home I ate and then went to the gym, because snowboarding wasn´t on yet, so I just did my own workout.
On Wednesday I went to student central at 10, because I promised to volunteer for volunteering. It was refresher fair, where all the societies and sports clubs were presenting them like in September, so volunteering had a stall and I spent my day there. At 12 though I went to economics lecture, one girl was covering my spot and then I went back. At some Nabeel joined me, because he had nothing else to do and why not :D. Free entertainment is always welcomed. Before the fair ended Janek came too and then we cleaned up and walked home. Nabeel left at 5 and I ate and went to Bodypump at 7. Workout was good as always. It is fun to see in that room, how all 15 other people besides me have black pants and I´m the one who goes crazy with different colors and hardly has black clothes! Goal completed :D :D. I was so tired that night. So after shower I stayed up a bit, but then fell asleep super early.
On Thursday morning I went to lecture at 10 and it is OISM. One of my least favorite ones and I don´t even really know the reason. I know it is important, but I just can´t be asked... After lecture I came home quickly and read case study for tutorial, answered questions and went to tutorial. I do like tutorials tho. I tend to enjoy them. Back home I went to do my laundry. Washing done, separated clothes, half of them went to dryer and others I hanged in my room and went to town with Ly. Got what was needed and then I needed to get other half of my laundry and ate and did lots of other things. In the evening half past seven I walked to Interchange, because! BECAUSE Martin and Nele came all the way from Estonia and Iceland. I waited couple of minutes and then I was able to hug them both and that just felt amazing! Can´t wish for anything better to be honest! We came home, put their stuff in my room, said hi to several people and then went to MELT to eat dinner. Unfortunately my pasta was so spicy that they actually changed my dish, because I couldn´t eat it. Welcome to Bradford. After dinner went to Sainsbury and then back home played cards with my lovely friends from house! After several games we went upstairs, talked and fell asleep.
On Friday we woke up and got ready. I dragged them to my quants lecture which was also new to me, so fun! It was alright. No big emotions. I didn´t have any expectations, so yeah. After that we said hi to come of my friends and then took a bus to School of Management, so I could show them how cool that is! We also wanted to go to park, but it was raining, so we took bus back to main campus and that´s when the rain stopped of course. We decided to go to National Media Museum and we actually had quite a lot of fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERSTIN!! We sent her a birthday wish too! Roha and Zakia and Dale and others where with us in the museum, so it was even more fun! After that we separated and us three went to Broadway to have lunch and shop around. Martin is King of Shopping, so you all would know :D. After that we walked to Forster Square and shopped there. We ended our shopping in Aldi, grocery store, because some things were needed. We walked back to the city center and had those amazing waffles in one frozen yogurt place. Back home played cards and then a lot of people thought that party is a pretty good idea. I pulled myself a bit back from it because I have been starting to say no to alcohol. First semester those some parties were enough and I am back to how I was before university ;)! Others played drinking games and had lots of fun, me too! Just different way ;)! Finally it was me, Nele, Martin, Luke, Jan and his friend and the last ones were me, Martin and Luke. Nele and Martin had a train leaving at 5.40 in the morning to London, so Nele slept like an hour and Martin didn´t at all :D. I sent them away at 5 and went to bed!
Saturday I woke up at 12.30 pm, ate, studied and then we went to the gym with Abdallah. Hour and half of nice workout and we came home with Abdallah. Studied a bit, helped Jamal- he did huge grocery shopping, so I helped him to organize everything. Wrote and translated my blog. That took me couple of hours to be honest. Skyped with friends and later around midnight me and Luke walked to train station to get Martin and Nele. They were super tired and it was even a bit funny. But no worries, young people have time to sleep later :D. Back home we found Reinar with his friends partying and well.. Wasn´t the most pleasant for me, but I tried to behave :D. We tried to play cards, but gave up, went upstairs and bought tickets to Manchester and just chilled. Some point we got hungry tho, so we got downstairs and had pasta. Ate, laughed at those drunk people and then went to bed.
On Sunday we woke up around 10, got ready, had breakfast and went to Broadway. Martin had a shirt to pick up from one store where he ordered it and Nele bought a purse. After that we went to French cafe and had cake and tea. After that we went to train station to get a train to Leeds, but since they were doing something with railway then it was bus instead, which was fine too. In Leeds we went to that big mall and after that just walked around in Leeds ending up in LUSH store! So amazing! But a bit overwhelming by all different scents. We came back to Bradford and went to MyLahore to have dinner. I had an amazing salad. Yummi! Back home had a chat with housemates and at some point me and Nele went upstairs to sleep. Martin stayed with Ly and Luke. That´s how my/our awesome week ended ;).
On Monday the new semester started. We´ll take it easy the first week, okay :) ;). At 10 we all found ourselves familiar lecture theatre with Marketing lecture. The time schedule for this semester is basically the same as it was last semester with an only change on Friday. Helen is as awesome as she was last semester and also there was my PAL leader to talk about PAL sessions and thanks to that I managed to stand up in front of 200 other students to tell them that yes PAL sessions are worth it. Only me... Helen asked me to and how can I say no then.. After lecture I had a chat with Roshnee and she gave me cake! Super awesome of her to do that. After that Jamie, Nabeel and Valeri came over to mine, because why not, we did not have much else to do to be honest. We ate cake and talked with Abdallah and his friend who was also over. At two Nabeel went to Callum´s (who lives a house below) and I went to movie theatre with Jamie and Val. LAST STAR WARS!! Awesome! I was really excited and did not have to disappoint! Loved that movie! Jamie went home after movie and I walked back with Valeri. I ate and then at 7 went to the gym! Almost regular routine, isn´t it! :D ;)
Tuesday started as early as last semester- too early. Went to the other campus and started lecture at 9. It was okay lecture, have had better ones :P. At least all the friends were there and it´s always fun with them! After lecture I wet to Weir room with Valeri, Jamie, Shivani and Nabeel. We played table tennis, I read accounting lecture slides and of course we had music! Took 12.10 bus back, went to burger time, ate and then went to the first accounting lecture. Our tutorial was supposed to be an hour later than the lecture, so we waited with Shivani ja Nabeel, because Jamie went home. The tutorial ended early and since all three of us knew that tutor, then we just went in and had a chat with her and she quickly went over the tutorial with us. So we had a private session! I came home real quick, took my books and went back to Student Central to join Shivani and Nabeel. We had a lot of stuff to discuss. Shivani left a bit after 4 and Nabeel left at 5. I spent a bit more there, then took my books back to library. Back home I ate and then went to the gym, because snowboarding wasn´t on yet, so I just did my own workout.
On Wednesday I went to student central at 10, because I promised to volunteer for volunteering. It was refresher fair, where all the societies and sports clubs were presenting them like in September, so volunteering had a stall and I spent my day there. At 12 though I went to economics lecture, one girl was covering my spot and then I went back. At some Nabeel joined me, because he had nothing else to do and why not :D. Free entertainment is always welcomed. Before the fair ended Janek came too and then we cleaned up and walked home. Nabeel left at 5 and I ate and went to Bodypump at 7. Workout was good as always. It is fun to see in that room, how all 15 other people besides me have black pants and I´m the one who goes crazy with different colors and hardly has black clothes! Goal completed :D :D. I was so tired that night. So after shower I stayed up a bit, but then fell asleep super early.
On Thursday morning I went to lecture at 10 and it is OISM. One of my least favorite ones and I don´t even really know the reason. I know it is important, but I just can´t be asked... After lecture I came home quickly and read case study for tutorial, answered questions and went to tutorial. I do like tutorials tho. I tend to enjoy them. Back home I went to do my laundry. Washing done, separated clothes, half of them went to dryer and others I hanged in my room and went to town with Ly. Got what was needed and then I needed to get other half of my laundry and ate and did lots of other things. In the evening half past seven I walked to Interchange, because! BECAUSE Martin and Nele came all the way from Estonia and Iceland. I waited couple of minutes and then I was able to hug them both and that just felt amazing! Can´t wish for anything better to be honest! We came home, put their stuff in my room, said hi to several people and then went to MELT to eat dinner. Unfortunately my pasta was so spicy that they actually changed my dish, because I couldn´t eat it. Welcome to Bradford. After dinner went to Sainsbury and then back home played cards with my lovely friends from house! After several games we went upstairs, talked and fell asleep.
On Friday we woke up and got ready. I dragged them to my quants lecture which was also new to me, so fun! It was alright. No big emotions. I didn´t have any expectations, so yeah. After that we said hi to come of my friends and then took a bus to School of Management, so I could show them how cool that is! We also wanted to go to park, but it was raining, so we took bus back to main campus and that´s when the rain stopped of course. We decided to go to National Media Museum and we actually had quite a lot of fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERSTIN!! We sent her a birthday wish too! Roha and Zakia and Dale and others where with us in the museum, so it was even more fun! After that we separated and us three went to Broadway to have lunch and shop around. Martin is King of Shopping, so you all would know :D. After that we walked to Forster Square and shopped there. We ended our shopping in Aldi, grocery store, because some things were needed. We walked back to the city center and had those amazing waffles in one frozen yogurt place. Back home played cards and then a lot of people thought that party is a pretty good idea. I pulled myself a bit back from it because I have been starting to say no to alcohol. First semester those some parties were enough and I am back to how I was before university ;)! Others played drinking games and had lots of fun, me too! Just different way ;)! Finally it was me, Nele, Martin, Luke, Jan and his friend and the last ones were me, Martin and Luke. Nele and Martin had a train leaving at 5.40 in the morning to London, so Nele slept like an hour and Martin didn´t at all :D. I sent them away at 5 and went to bed!
Saturday I woke up at 12.30 pm, ate, studied and then we went to the gym with Abdallah. Hour and half of nice workout and we came home with Abdallah. Studied a bit, helped Jamal- he did huge grocery shopping, so I helped him to organize everything. Wrote and translated my blog. That took me couple of hours to be honest. Skyped with friends and later around midnight me and Luke walked to train station to get Martin and Nele. They were super tired and it was even a bit funny. But no worries, young people have time to sleep later :D. Back home we found Reinar with his friends partying and well.. Wasn´t the most pleasant for me, but I tried to behave :D. We tried to play cards, but gave up, went upstairs and bought tickets to Manchester and just chilled. Some point we got hungry tho, so we got downstairs and had pasta. Ate, laughed at those drunk people and then went to bed.
On Sunday we woke up around 10, got ready, had breakfast and went to Broadway. Martin had a shirt to pick up from one store where he ordered it and Nele bought a purse. After that we went to French cafe and had cake and tea. After that we went to train station to get a train to Leeds, but since they were doing something with railway then it was bus instead, which was fine too. In Leeds we went to that big mall and after that just walked around in Leeds ending up in LUSH store! So amazing! But a bit overwhelming by all different scents. We came back to Bradford and went to MyLahore to have dinner. I had an amazing salad. Yummi! Back home had a chat with housemates and at some point me and Nele went upstairs to sleep. Martin stayed with Ly and Luke. That´s how my/our awesome week ended ;).
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