Esmaspäeval algas kõik jälle uuesti. Te juba teate rutiini ;). Seminaris tegime proovitesti, mis tuleb päriselt teha Jaanuaris. Loomulikult oli 75 küsimuse asemel 20 aga kuna see on valikvastustega eksam, siis noh, ma arvan, et see saab olema okei :). Proovitest oli. Kodus tegin ühe küsitluse taaskord ning siis panin ennast valmis, jutustasin all Abdallahiga ja siis läksin linna. Põhiosa sellest oli Primark, kust ostsin erinevaid väga soosusid asju- sussid ja pidzaama. Peale seda käisin Morrisonis ja siis ostsin kõike, mida nädala jooksul vaja läheb. Kodus sõin lõunat ja siis läksin õppima. Väga hästi see ei edenenud, kui aus olla ja siis läksin alla, et vaadata kuidas Matt ja Aurore küpsetasid. Mängisime kaarte ja ühel hetkel kolisin oma õppimisega alla. Matt aitas mind ka natuke ja oligi vahva!
Esmaspäeval algas kõik jälle uuesti. Te juba teate rutiini ;). Seminaris tegime proovitesti, mis tuleb päriselt teha Jaanuaris. Loomulikult oli 75 küsimuse asemel 20 aga kuna see on valikvastustega eksam, siis noh, ma arvan, et see saab olema okei :). Proovitest oli. Kodus tegin ühe küsitluse taaskord ning siis panin ennast valmis, jutustasin all Abdallahiga ja siis läksin linna. Põhiosa sellest oli Primark, kust ostsin erinevaid väga soosusid asju- sussid ja pidzaama. Peale seda käisin Morrisonis ja siis ostsin kõike, mida nädala jooksul vaja läheb. Kodus sõin lõunat ja siis läksin õppima. Väga hästi see ei edenenud, kui aus olla ja siis läksin alla, et vaadata kuidas Matt ja Aurore küpsetasid. Mängisime kaarte ja ühel hetkel kolisin oma õppimisega alla. Matt aitas mind ka natuke ja oligi vahva!
Kella 7ks läksin Boxercise-i ja seekord vedasin Abdallahi endaga kaasa. Tema on ise juba trenni niikaua teinud, et ta sai ideaalselt hakkama. Ma arvan, et talle meeldis :).
Kodus käisin pesus ja siis jõime all teed.
Teisipäev oli peaaegu nagu iga teisipäev, ainult et peale seda kui ma olin teisest linnakust tagasi tulnud ja kodus söönud läksin raamatukokku. Sõbrad aitasid mul ära teha PWO testi ning siis tegin kodutöid ja siis mängisime Jamie-ga ipadis mänge. Kella 3ks läksime raamatupidamisde ning seekord oli meil teine õppejõud, sest meie päris õppejõud on Jaapanis. See oli rohkem interaktiivne tund, tegime uusi asju ise läbi loengus. Seminaris oli ka teine inimene. Seal aga läks ka kõik hästi ja oligi läbi. Janek ja Lucie tulid minu juurde ja samal ajal kui mina õhtusööki tegin, aitasin nendel PWO testi ära teha. Vot siis.
Kella 6st läksin laudama. See nädal oli ülisuper! Päriselt! Terve treenig oli asjaette ja ma arenesin väga palju! Treener oli uhke mu üle ja ma ise ka. Nii hea!
Kodus käisin pesus ja siis läksin, et natuke kolmapäevaks ettevalmistusi teha ning jõin teed. Abdallah tuli ka hiljem natukeseks ja oligi aeg magama minna.
Kolmapäev algas natuke enne 9t. Mul oli vaja pakkida ja asjad üle vaadata ning peale hommikusööki läksin raamatukokku, et piletid välja printida. Kell 11 läksin oma seminari ja pärast seda oli loeng. Kodus ütlesin saupakaa Ly-le, sest tema lendas kurbadel asjaoludel koju.
Endale tegin lõunasöögi, sõin ning lahkusin kell 2 kodust. Läksin Bradford Interchange-i. Istusin rongile, mis pidi 14.33 lahkuma ja seda me ka tegime. Natuke peale kuut leidsin ennast Londonist. Ma olin maganud peaaegu terve sõidu, aga London päriselt ka oli minu sihtkoht :D. Leidsin metroo ja seslt istusin ronginpeale ning võtsin suuna oma peatuse suunas. Peatus enne minu peatust teatati hoopis teise peatuse nimi, niiet otsustasin rongist lahkuda :D. Läksin üle silla ja istusin järgmise rongi peale ning saingi oma peatusses. Jõudsin maa peale ja võtsin suuna Double Tree Hiltoni suunas. Kohal, andsin teada, et ma olen kohal ja peagi seisimegi vastakuti Cory-ga. Tal oli väga hea meel mind näha ning minul samuti. Läksime üles tema tuppa ja vahetasime igasuguseid muljeid ning siis helistasime lastele. Tore oli nendega ka rääkida. Nagu polekski poolt aastat vahel olnud ma ütlen. Kuskil 8 paiku otsustasime õhtusöögile minna. Hotelli 12. korrusel oli absoluutselt hingematva vaatega baar. Sõime ja jõime ja oli väga väga mõnus. Olime seal mitu tundi. Me nägime ka midagi küllaltki erakordset- London Bridge oli üles tõstetud. Vaade oli ausalt imeline. Tagasi toas olime mõlemad suhteliselt väsinud aga jutustada oli ikka veel palju. Kuskil kesköö paiku saime magama.
On Monday everything started again. You all know the routine now ;). In tutorial we did a example exam only it had 20 questions instead of 75. It´s a multiple choice questions and the real exam is in January. I think this exam will be okay, because the sample one was :). At home I did a questionnaire and got ready. Had a chat with Abdallah and then went to down- shopping. I visited Primark and later Morrisons. From Primark I got a lot of comfy stuff from pj department. Back home I had lunch and then went to study. Well it didn´t go as well as I hoped so I came downstairs and watched how Aurore and Matt baked. We also played cards and then I brought my studying stuff downstairs. Matt helped me a little bit. At 7 me and Abdallah went to Boxercise. Yes, he joined me this time. He was absolutely fine and I think he actually enjoyed it. At home I had shower and we had tea downstairs.
Tuesday was almost like every other Tuesday, only difference was that after I came back from School of Management I went to library and did my online test with classmates and then me and Jamie stayed in library. I did my homework and later we just played games in ipad. At 3 we went to accounting lecture and this time it was taught by another teacher since our own teacher was in Japan. The same was with our tutorial, but everything went smoothly and nice. After that Lucie and Janek came with me to my home and I helped them with their homework making my dinner at the same time. At 6 I had snowboarding and that was super fun this week. I absolutely loved this week´s training. So so good! I was very successful and made a big step forward. I was proud of myself and so was my trainer. At home I had shower and then did a little preparations for Wednesday and then came downstairs. Abdallah joined me and the night ended as every other.
Wednesday was exciting! I started a little before 9, because I needed to pack and make sure I have done everything in my to do list. After breakfast I went to library and printed out my tickets and right after it I went to my economics tutorial. When the lecture was also done I came home, had lunch and said good bye to Ly. She needed to fly home in quite sad reason. I left a little after her. I went to Bradford Interchange and sat in a train. The journey was 3 hours and 40 minutes and then i found myself in LONDON!! I slept almost all the way through the train ride, so it was good and actually went really quick! :D In London I found the metro station and got ticket and sat on the metro what was supposed to take me to my station. Well it was almost the right train, just one station before mine I found out it goes slightly different way so I got off and crossed the tracks and took the right train :D. In my station it was easy to find the hotel and there I let the reception know that I have arrived. Few minutes later I hugged Cory. So so good to see her. We went up to her room and we had lot to talk about. Fantastic feeling! We also called to kids and everything felt like half a year ago, only I was over seas with her while kids were at home! Around 8 we went to 12th floor bar which had absolutely stunning view. We had dinner and chat as much as we could. So much to talk but so little time. We spent couple of hours up there and what was amazing we saw London Bridge opened. Quite rare :). Back at room we talked a bit more and then around midnight we went to sleep.
On Monday everything started again. You all know the routine now ;). In tutorial we did a example exam only it had 20 questions instead of 75. It´s a multiple choice questions and the real exam is in January. I think this exam will be okay, because the sample one was :). At home I did a questionnaire and got ready. Had a chat with Abdallah and then went to down- shopping. I visited Primark and later Morrisons. From Primark I got a lot of comfy stuff from pj department. Back home I had lunch and then went to study. Well it didn´t go as well as I hoped so I came downstairs and watched how Aurore and Matt baked. We also played cards and then I brought my studying stuff downstairs. Matt helped me a little bit. At 7 me and Abdallah went to Boxercise. Yes, he joined me this time. He was absolutely fine and I think he actually enjoyed it. At home I had shower and we had tea downstairs.
Tuesday was almost like every other Tuesday, only difference was that after I came back from School of Management I went to library and did my online test with classmates and then me and Jamie stayed in library. I did my homework and later we just played games in ipad. At 3 we went to accounting lecture and this time it was taught by another teacher since our own teacher was in Japan. The same was with our tutorial, but everything went smoothly and nice. After that Lucie and Janek came with me to my home and I helped them with their homework making my dinner at the same time. At 6 I had snowboarding and that was super fun this week. I absolutely loved this week´s training. So so good! I was very successful and made a big step forward. I was proud of myself and so was my trainer. At home I had shower and then did a little preparations for Wednesday and then came downstairs. Abdallah joined me and the night ended as every other.
Wednesday was exciting! I started a little before 9, because I needed to pack and make sure I have done everything in my to do list. After breakfast I went to library and printed out my tickets and right after it I went to my economics tutorial. When the lecture was also done I came home, had lunch and said good bye to Ly. She needed to fly home in quite sad reason. I left a little after her. I went to Bradford Interchange and sat in a train. The journey was 3 hours and 40 minutes and then i found myself in LONDON!! I slept almost all the way through the train ride, so it was good and actually went really quick! :D In London I found the metro station and got ticket and sat on the metro what was supposed to take me to my station. Well it was almost the right train, just one station before mine I found out it goes slightly different way so I got off and crossed the tracks and took the right train :D. In my station it was easy to find the hotel and there I let the reception know that I have arrived. Few minutes later I hugged Cory. So so good to see her. We went up to her room and we had lot to talk about. Fantastic feeling! We also called to kids and everything felt like half a year ago, only I was over seas with her while kids were at home! Around 8 we went to 12th floor bar which had absolutely stunning view. We had dinner and chat as much as we could. So much to talk but so little time. We spent couple of hours up there and what was amazing we saw London Bridge opened. Quite rare :). Back at room we talked a bit more and then around midnight we went to sleep.
Primark fun ;)
Nii tore, et blogi edasi kirjutad, mis siis et vähe teine teema kui Ameerika elu...ja hea kuulda et perega sidet ei ole kaotanud! Tubli!