Esmaspäeva hommikul tuli kella 10ks minna Turunduse loengusse. Sain sellega ideaalselt hakkama ja seda loengut ei pea kahetsema. Ausalt, sinna ma tahan alati minna. Samuti on seminariga. See pole ainult mina, kes ütleb, et Helen on absoluutselt fantastiline, paljud õpilased ütlevad :). Seminari oli eriti mõnus täna! :D Nalja sai väga palju!
Tulin koju, sain korraks Lyga kokku, ta skännis minu toas ja siis läksin Elenaga Morrisoni. Sain nädalaks kõik vajaliku ja samuti Elena vist. Tulime oma raskete kompsudega koju jälle ning panime kõik asjad ära. Sõin ja siis läksin PAL tundi. Rääkisime igasugustest erinevates asjadest, aga põhiteemaks oli esseede kirjutamine. See on lihtsalt nii oluline ja sellel on nii kindlad reeglid, et sellest lihtsalt peab korduvalt ja korduvalt rääkima. Natuke peale 3e olin taaskord kodus ja läksin oma tuppa õppima. Kuskil 5 paiku tulin alla ja tegin endale teed ja siis tuli Luke ja rääkisime oma nädalavahetustest. Abdallah tuli ka ja nii me siin koos olimegi. Kuue paiku läksin tagasi õppima ja siis kolmveerand 7 lahkusime mina, Fu ja Luke koos kodust. Luke läks sõudmisesse ja meie Fu-ga Boxercise-i. Tema jaoks oli see päris raske aga ta pidas vastu, väga tubli! :)
Tagasi kodus, sõin, õppisin ja jõin teed.
Teisipäeva hommikul tuli ennast varakult püsti ajada, sest istuda tuli poole 9sse bussi ja minna teise linnakusse. Uni!! :D Aga loeng oli parem kui eelmine nädal, kuigi küllaltki pingutust nõudev siiski. Seminaris vaatasime videot ja siis pidime selle põhjal küsimustele vastama. Küllaltki okei. Olin kodus kuskil pool 12. Ütlesin teistele tere ja siis läksin üles, et kodutööd teha. Kella 1 paiku läksin tagasi alla, et lõunat süüa. Natuke enne 3st loengut sain kodutööd homseks teha ja siis läksin loengusse ja seminari kohe pärast seda. Iga nädal läheb raamatupidamine raskemaks, aga siiski okei. Kõik on tegelikult väga loogiline ja arusaadav, lihtsalt palju meelde jätta.
Kodus tegin õhtusöögi, sõin ja siis läksin vahetasin laudamiseks. Kell 6 kohtusime kõikidega, kes tulid ja läksime mäele. Ma nautisin treeningut väga aga ma ootasin endalt natuke rohkem. Olen vist liiga karm endaga, aga poisid ju saavad hakkama!! Küll jõuab! Istusime korraks pubis ja siis sõitsime tagasi. Kiire pesu ja siis kerge tee ja magama! Väsimus oli päris suur!
Kolmapäeva hommikul ärkasin pisut enne 9t ja panin ennast päevaks valmis. Mul oli loeng kell 11, aga tahtsin valmis kirjutada oma CV. Läksin alla, tegin endale valmis hommikusöögi ja alustasin oma tööd. Saingi oma CV-ga valmis ning siis oli aeg ennast loenguks valmis panna. Ökonoomika mu lemmik! :D Tegelt ma natuke pingutan üle sellega ka, ma juba natuke tolereerin seda. Seminar oli okei ja loeng ka. Väga paljud ei saanud hakkama eelmise nädala seminari tööga, niiet pool loengut läks sellele. Minul tuli see ilusti välja.
Peale loengut käisin korraks kodus, Ros oli minuga ja siis läksime tagasi Richmondi, kus kohtusime Aurore-iga. Kõik koos läksime Õpilaskeskusesse, kus toimus Kärjääri 'laat'. Erinevad firmad olid tulnud ja pakkusid võimalusi tööks või siis praktikaks. Enamasti juba õpilastele, kes lõpetavad, aga me leidsime ka paar asja. Pärast seda käisin korraks Aurore-iga spordikast läbi ja siis läksin koju. Sõin ja siis kohtusin vabatahtlikutega, kes aitavad kaasa pühapäevasel linna jooksul. Ka mina olen üks neist ja siis see juht ütles kus mis keegi olema peab. Tagasi kodus, õppisin, natuke enne 6t sõin õhtusöögi ja kella 7ks läksin trenni. Bodypumpi ma isegi väga ootasin see nädal. Nii hea.
Pesus käidud, tegin ära ühe testi, mida kool nõuab ja lugesin neljapäevaseks loenguks ning siis läksin alla. Natuke näksisin ja jõin teed. Abdallah oli ka minuga ning Matt liitus ja oligi selline vahva lõpp päevale.
Neljapäev oli küllaltki tegus päev. Kell 9 tuli istuda juba suures seminaris (kõik õpilased koos) ja seda ma ka tegin. Kõik sõbrad olid seal ja super hästi aga keda ei olnud oli õppejõud. Ta ei jõudnudki kohale enne kui 30 minutit pärast seminari algust. Vaatasime siis videot mida me vaatama pidime ja kuna loeng oli kohe pärast seminari, siis seda me ka tegime, aga need kaks tundi olid täielik tohuvapohu! See läbi, läksin Rosiga tagasi koju. Aitasin tal kirja panna kõik arvestatavad tööd ja kus mis millal, niiet ta saab siis kõigeks valmis olla. Mul endal oli see juba enne tehtud ;).
Kella 12 paiku Ros lahkus ja mina sõin ruttu ning siis läksin teise linnakusse. Bussis olin koos ühe tüdrukuga, keda ma juba enne teadsin ja ta oli väga vaimustuses minu seiklustest. Kuna ta ise on tumedanahaline, siis talle tundus see väga kummaline, et Eesti on täis ainult valgeid inimesi. :D
Põhjus miks ma teise linnakusse läksin, oli fookus grupp- üks tädi teeb uurimustööd, kuidas Bradfordi ülikool ennast presenteerib ja milline oli meie kogemus enne siia tulekut jne jne. Mina ja Bianca olime ainukesed kaks kes sellest osa võtsid sellel hetkel. See tädi oli meile väga tänulik ja talle vist väga meeldis kogu see info mis ta meilt sai. Väga meeldiv naisterahvas!
Tulime tagasi põhilinnakusse ning kodus hakkasin õppima. Tegin järgmiseks nädalaks kodutöid ja siis chillisin niisama ja siis tegin edasi ;).
Natuke enne 6t lahkusime mina ja Aurore kodust ja läksime Õpilas Keskusesse. Kohtusime ärinduse grupiga ning kõik koos läksime ühte restorani õhtusöögile. Meid oli kokku 23, niiet väga palju! Õhtusöök oli väga hea, eriti magustoit ja inimesed olid ka väga lahedad!
Kojujõudes istusime Aurore-ga kööki, aga tema läks peagi üles ja mina jäin Elenaga alla. Elena on väga tore ja vahva noor naine, aga ta elu on juba nii korraldatud et mõned valikud ei ole olnud just tema enda omad. Nii see juba Hiinas käib, niiet me lihtsalt rääkisime paljudest erinevatest asjadest. Hiljem tuli Abdallah ja minust on saanud juba nagu iga õhtune arst, sest igakord kui ta jalgpallist tagasi tuleb on tal põlved totaalselt lõhki. Jõime teed ja chillisime niisama :). Elena tuli veel skännima hiljem. Magama sain hiljem kui ma tahtnud oleks vist. :P Juhtub!
Reede möödus küllaltki rahulikult vist isegi :D. Hommikul magasin ja läksin poole 11se bussiga, sest noh, tahtsin magada hommikul. SSD-s sai taaskord räägitud esseede kirjutamisest, seekord tegi seda meie kooli effektiivse õppimise keskus. Niiet väga palju me midagi uut sealt teada ei saanud. Kodus sõin ja siis hakkasin hoolega õppima. On mõned ained, kus tulevad kontrolltööd ja testid ja kordamist on palju.
Ühel hetkel väsisin suht ära ja mõtlesin, et tõmban kerra aga ma kuulsin kuidas Aurore alla läks ja ma ühinesin temaga. Ta hakkas pannkooke tegema ja mina olin niisama ilus seal köögis. Elena tuli ka ühel hetkel ja niimoodi me seal siis pläkutasime. Pannkoogid tulid ilusti välja ja oligi õhtusöögi mure jälle kaelast. Tulin üles ja lugesin veel natuke ning siis kuskil poole 11 paiku läksin magama. Kell 12 helises mu telefon ja helistas Abdallah, ma ei vastanud, sest ma olin liiga unine aga ega tema jonni ei jätnud ja siis ta tuli veel mu uksele koputama. Sain küllaltki vihaseks :D. Kirjutasin talle ja tuli siis välja, et nemad olid Ly-ga allkorrusel ja mõtlesid, et äkki ma tahaks nendega ühineda. Ütlesin ei. Üritasin edasi magama jääda aga välja see ei tulnud, niiet lõpuks läksin alla. Mängisime kaarte ja oli isegi täitsa vahva :D. Kunagi hiljem sain siis taaskord magama.
Laupäeva hommik algas nagu ikka Bodypumpiga. Seekord oli küllaltki raske kusjuures. Uskumatult :D. Aga ma tõstan raskuseid ka suht igakord, niiet jah :D. Pole vist imestada. Kodus käisin pesus ja läksin tegin endale hommikusöögi. Mis saaks olla parem kui puder ja maapähklivõi-moosi võileib. Kaheteist paiku tulin üles ja hakkasin õppima. Kõigepealt tegelesin People, Work ja Organisationiga ja ma jätkasin seda suht tunde. Vahepeal käisin all teed joomas ja siis jätkasin. Niimoodi mu päev ausalt mööduski. Ühel hetkel käisin tegin alla fajitasid ja siis tulin jälle üles ja hakkasin turunduse raamatut lugema. Kella 9 paiku läksin alla, sest enamus meist oli seal koos ja mängisime kaarte! FUN! Hiljem jäime Abdallahiga alla, jõime teed ja vaatasime Kevin Harti. Magama sai jälle liiga hilja, aga küll jõuab magada kunagi hiljem :D.
Pühapäeva hommikul ärkasin natuke enne 8t, sest olin ennast lubanud Bradfordi Linna Jooksule vabatahtlikuks. Tegin kõik mis vaja, et valmis olla, panin soojalt riidesse ja sõin ning läksingi veerand 10ks oma kohale. Mina pidin ühes kindlas kohas jälgima, et jooksjad kohe paremale ei keeraks vaid kõigepealt otse läheks ja siis keeraks. Ma olin 3 tundi selle ühe koha peale, sest oli kolm erinevat distantsi ja pool maratoni oma pidi sama raja 4 korda läbi jooksma. Niiet me ootasime kuni viimane jooksja lõpetanud oli. Suhtlesin liikluskorraldajate ja kiirabiga, sest nad kõik seisid seal minu lähedal. Osad tuttavad ka jooksid, niiet elasin neile täiega kaasa. Tublid! Respekt kõigile neile kes lõpetasid. Tulin koju, jõime Abdallahiga teed (ausalt, enamus teejoomiseid me kokku ei lepi, need lihtsalt juhtuvad :D) ja sõin lõunat ning siis tulin üles ning käisin pesus ja hakkasin taaskord õppima. Ma olin enda üle päris ausalt uhke, sest ma suutsin väga ilusti oma tööd teha. ;) Hiljem läksin alla ja keetsin pelmeene ja veetsin aega oma majakaaslastega ;).
Hey ya´all!!
On Monday morning everything was as usual. I went to lecture at 10 and I enjoyed it as every Monday. It´s not only me who appreciates Helen in so high levels, others do the same ;). Tutorial was super fun, because well :D, it just was!
I came home, Ly scanned in my room and then I went grocery shopping with Elena. I got everything and we came back with our heavy bags. It´s a student life benefits :D you can even work out when you do groceries. I had lunch and then I went to my PAL session which was useful and relaxing. We talked about essay writing again, because it is just one of the most important things in uni as it comes out. We all have to master on writing those. I was back home after 3 and then I came home and studied in my room. Around 5 pm I went downstairs, had tea. Luke came home and we talked about our weekends. Around 6 I continued studying and then a little before 7 me and Fu went to Boxercise. For her it was actually quite hard, but she did a very good job. She probably won´t join me anytime soon there :D.
Back home, ate, studied and had tea.
On Tuesday I had to got early again and went to PWO in the school of management. Lecture was better than last week and in tutorial we watched a video and answered questions based on the video. I was back home around 11.30 am. Said hi to everyone else and then came upstairs to study, AGAIN! Around 1 pm I went back downstairs to have lunch. Got a little bit more work done before my 3 pm lecture. Every week accounting gets harder, but I guess it makes sense. Right now it´s still quite alright. At home I made dinner and went snowboarding at 6. I expected a little more from myself, but well, everything can´t come that quick. I enjoyed it a lot tho. LOVE IT up there! We went to pub for a little as usual and then came home. I was exhausted.
On Wednesday morning I got up around 9 and got ready for the day. I had my lecture at 11, but I wanted to write my CV, which I did very successfully. I did it downstairs while having breakfast. And then went to my favorite Economics. I can´t actually complain that much anymore, it is getting better :D. A lot of people weren´t very successful with their last week´s tutorial work, so after the lecture part we did that. Since I actually got it, it was fine for me, but revising is never bad.
After the lecture, Ros came with me home, I changed my bags and then we went back to Richmond, met Aurore and then we all went to Student Central. We had Careers Fair going on. They don´t have much opportunities for first year students, but I got some ideas. And that was fantastic! After that, Ros went home and I went to gym with Aurore real quick and came home too. I ate and then met volunteers for City Run. I agreed to be one and we got information about our tasks and everything. Back home I studied and then a little before 6 had dinner and then Bodypump. I was very excited and so ready to go on Wednesday! I don´t know why :D.
Later home I had to do test for school and then read for my lecture. And the day ended with tea, Abdallah and Matt.
Thursday was busy. At 9 I had to sit in the lecture theater, because this week´s OISM required large tutorial and then lecture. Well, it was alright, but our lecturer didn´t turn up for half an hour. I don´t know what happened but he was too late :D. We watched a video and then carried on with lecture. After that Ros came with me back home and I helped her to write down all the assignments we have this and next semester. I did it long time ago. At 12 Ros left, I had quick lunch and then I caught the bus to Emm Lane campus. I had signed up for focus group. Bianca was also there and that was it, just two of us. We talked with one lady who is doing research about our university and it´s presentation to students out there. What were our impressions before we came and so on. We came back with 2 pm bus and at home I started to prepare for next week, did my tutorial work.
A little before 6 me and Aurore left to Student Central. We had a dinner with Business Society. We met at Student Central and walked all together to a restaurant. There were 23 of us, so very good turnout. We had fun and dinner was really good, specially the dessert :D.
Back home we sat in kitchen with Aurore, but she left upstairs and I spend time with Elena. We had some serious talks. Since she is from China, she hasn´t exactly made all decisions in her life, but they have made by her parents or grandparents. And that doesn´t make her exactly happy. So I tried to help and motivate her a little. Later came Abdallah, and I have now become a nurse nightly, because every time he comes back from soccer, he has wounds on his knees. So yeah. Later we had tea and then Elena came to scan in my room. `MOM` like I am :D ready for everything. I got to bed later than I would have like I think :D. Oh well.
Friday was quite slow pace. I slept and took 10.30 bus this week. In SSD we talked about essays again. This time the class was held by Effective Learning Centre. When I came back to main campus, I met Bex (snowsports president) and she helped me with something I need for December. Back home I had lunch and then started to revise. A lot of tests and stuff are coming up so weekend was pretty much planned. In the evening I got really tired and thought I will go to bed, but then I heard Aurore going down and I joined her in the kitchen. She made pancakes and we had dinner together. Elena was also with us. Full, I came upstairs and continued my work and then around 10.30 I was ready to go to bed which I did. Well my day didn´t end there. A little before midnight Abdallah called me, which I ignored, but he didn´t stop and he finally came upstairs to knock on my door. I still ignored, but then gave up and wrote him. They were downstairs with Ly and well they didn´t know I was sleeping. I said I´m not coming down, but after a while of trying to go back to sleep I failed and went down. We played cards and it was actually quite fun. :) You never know what kind of plans might come up :D.
Saturday morning started with bodypump as usual. This time it was actually hard, I don´t know why. Well.. There needs to be that kind of days too :D. I also raise the weight on my barbell almost every time so yeah :D. Back home I had shower and went to have breakfast. Oatmeal and B&J, what could be better :D. Around 12 I came upstairs and started to revise again. PWO was my first friend, I took a small paus around 2 and went to have tea downstairs. Then came up and continued. That´s literally how my Saturday went past. Studying and small pauses. In the evening I went to do dinner- fajitas again. Around 9 after studying again I went downstairs and most of us played cards all together. Later it was just me Abdallah again and we had tea and watched Kevin Hart. Sleep came really late :D UPS! :D Sleep can wait, right ;).
On Sunday morning I got up a little before 8 and got ready. 9.15 I had to be on my volunteering spot for Bradford City Run. I needed to make sure that runners follow the track and won´t turn before they actually need to turn. There was a slight loop which they needed to pass before turn. I stood 3 hours on my spot, because the longest distance was half marathon and those runners needed to do 4 laps. So we needed to wait until the last one was done. I had a chat with the security man and ambulance men, they were all around the spot where I was at. I had couple of familiar faces running, so I cheered for them. Came back home and had tea for warm up. Abdallah did the same, he just woke up slightly before I got home. (PS! Most of our ´tea sessions´ aren´t planned, they just happen :D :D). After I was fueled again I came upstairs, had shower and started to work again. I was really proud of myself to be honest ;P. Hours of work! Later I went down, had dinner and spent time with my housemates.
Hey ya´all!!
On Monday morning everything was as usual. I went to lecture at 10 and I enjoyed it as every Monday. It´s not only me who appreciates Helen in so high levels, others do the same ;). Tutorial was super fun, because well :D, it just was!
I came home, Ly scanned in my room and then I went grocery shopping with Elena. I got everything and we came back with our heavy bags. It´s a student life benefits :D you can even work out when you do groceries. I had lunch and then I went to my PAL session which was useful and relaxing. We talked about essay writing again, because it is just one of the most important things in uni as it comes out. We all have to master on writing those. I was back home after 3 and then I came home and studied in my room. Around 5 pm I went downstairs, had tea. Luke came home and we talked about our weekends. Around 6 I continued studying and then a little before 7 me and Fu went to Boxercise. For her it was actually quite hard, but she did a very good job. She probably won´t join me anytime soon there :D.
Back home, ate, studied and had tea.
On Tuesday I had to got early again and went to PWO in the school of management. Lecture was better than last week and in tutorial we watched a video and answered questions based on the video. I was back home around 11.30 am. Said hi to everyone else and then came upstairs to study, AGAIN! Around 1 pm I went back downstairs to have lunch. Got a little bit more work done before my 3 pm lecture. Every week accounting gets harder, but I guess it makes sense. Right now it´s still quite alright. At home I made dinner and went snowboarding at 6. I expected a little more from myself, but well, everything can´t come that quick. I enjoyed it a lot tho. LOVE IT up there! We went to pub for a little as usual and then came home. I was exhausted.
On Wednesday morning I got up around 9 and got ready for the day. I had my lecture at 11, but I wanted to write my CV, which I did very successfully. I did it downstairs while having breakfast. And then went to my favorite Economics. I can´t actually complain that much anymore, it is getting better :D. A lot of people weren´t very successful with their last week´s tutorial work, so after the lecture part we did that. Since I actually got it, it was fine for me, but revising is never bad.
After the lecture, Ros came with me home, I changed my bags and then we went back to Richmond, met Aurore and then we all went to Student Central. We had Careers Fair going on. They don´t have much opportunities for first year students, but I got some ideas. And that was fantastic! After that, Ros went home and I went to gym with Aurore real quick and came home too. I ate and then met volunteers for City Run. I agreed to be one and we got information about our tasks and everything. Back home I studied and then a little before 6 had dinner and then Bodypump. I was very excited and so ready to go on Wednesday! I don´t know why :D.
Later home I had to do test for school and then read for my lecture. And the day ended with tea, Abdallah and Matt.
Thursday was busy. At 9 I had to sit in the lecture theater, because this week´s OISM required large tutorial and then lecture. Well, it was alright, but our lecturer didn´t turn up for half an hour. I don´t know what happened but he was too late :D. We watched a video and then carried on with lecture. After that Ros came with me back home and I helped her to write down all the assignments we have this and next semester. I did it long time ago. At 12 Ros left, I had quick lunch and then I caught the bus to Emm Lane campus. I had signed up for focus group. Bianca was also there and that was it, just two of us. We talked with one lady who is doing research about our university and it´s presentation to students out there. What were our impressions before we came and so on. We came back with 2 pm bus and at home I started to prepare for next week, did my tutorial work.
A little before 6 me and Aurore left to Student Central. We had a dinner with Business Society. We met at Student Central and walked all together to a restaurant. There were 23 of us, so very good turnout. We had fun and dinner was really good, specially the dessert :D.
Back home we sat in kitchen with Aurore, but she left upstairs and I spend time with Elena. We had some serious talks. Since she is from China, she hasn´t exactly made all decisions in her life, but they have made by her parents or grandparents. And that doesn´t make her exactly happy. So I tried to help and motivate her a little. Later came Abdallah, and I have now become a nurse nightly, because every time he comes back from soccer, he has wounds on his knees. So yeah. Later we had tea and then Elena came to scan in my room. `MOM` like I am :D ready for everything. I got to bed later than I would have like I think :D. Oh well.
Friday was quite slow pace. I slept and took 10.30 bus this week. In SSD we talked about essays again. This time the class was held by Effective Learning Centre. When I came back to main campus, I met Bex (snowsports president) and she helped me with something I need for December. Back home I had lunch and then started to revise. A lot of tests and stuff are coming up so weekend was pretty much planned. In the evening I got really tired and thought I will go to bed, but then I heard Aurore going down and I joined her in the kitchen. She made pancakes and we had dinner together. Elena was also with us. Full, I came upstairs and continued my work and then around 10.30 I was ready to go to bed which I did. Well my day didn´t end there. A little before midnight Abdallah called me, which I ignored, but he didn´t stop and he finally came upstairs to knock on my door. I still ignored, but then gave up and wrote him. They were downstairs with Ly and well they didn´t know I was sleeping. I said I´m not coming down, but after a while of trying to go back to sleep I failed and went down. We played cards and it was actually quite fun. :) You never know what kind of plans might come up :D.
Saturday morning started with bodypump as usual. This time it was actually hard, I don´t know why. Well.. There needs to be that kind of days too :D. I also raise the weight on my barbell almost every time so yeah :D. Back home I had shower and went to have breakfast. Oatmeal and B&J, what could be better :D. Around 12 I came upstairs and started to revise again. PWO was my first friend, I took a small paus around 2 and went to have tea downstairs. Then came up and continued. That´s literally how my Saturday went past. Studying and small pauses. In the evening I went to do dinner- fajitas again. Around 9 after studying again I went downstairs and most of us played cards all together. Later it was just me Abdallah again and we had tea and watched Kevin Hart. Sleep came really late :D UPS! :D Sleep can wait, right ;).
On Sunday morning I got up a little before 8 and got ready. 9.15 I had to be on my volunteering spot for Bradford City Run. I needed to make sure that runners follow the track and won´t turn before they actually need to turn. There was a slight loop which they needed to pass before turn. I stood 3 hours on my spot, because the longest distance was half marathon and those runners needed to do 4 laps. So we needed to wait until the last one was done. I had a chat with the security man and ambulance men, they were all around the spot where I was at. I had couple of familiar faces running, so I cheered for them. Came back home and had tea for warm up. Abdallah did the same, he just woke up slightly before I got home. (PS! Most of our ´tea sessions´ aren´t planned, they just happen :D :D). After I was fueled again I came upstairs, had shower and started to work again. I was really proud of myself to be honest ;P. Hours of work! Later I went down, had dinner and spent time with my housemates.
Week 6 is over ;).
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