Kell 5 kohtusin all korrusel Luke-iga ja läksime rongijaama. Ostsime piletid ja istusime rongile, mis viis meid Leedsi. EI, see ei olnud lambist selline mõte, see kõik oli planeeritud juba eelmine nädal :D. SÕit võttis 15-20 minutit ning läksime otsejoones Trinity kaubanduskeskuse poole. Käisime seal ringi ning siis läksime tagasi tänavatele ning külastasime ühte ülisuurde Sports Directi. Jalutasime seal veidike ringi, vaatasime mis neil on ning siis läksime tagasi Trinitysse. Läksime ühte mehhiko restorani. Meil oli selline kerge deit Luke-iga :D. (Mitte päriselt) Tellisime endale kokteilid ja söögid ja no meie mõlema söök oli küllaltki vürtsikas :D. Aga mitte selline väga kohutav, niiet pühkisime ninad puhtaks ja jäime elama :D. Maksime ära ja siis jõudsid meie juurde ka Aurore, Doris, Lucy, Ivan ja Marianne . Me teadsime, et tulevad Doris ja Aurore, aga oh üllatust :D. Kuna nemad olid ka küllaltki näljased, läksime alla korrusele ja nemad sõid Vietnami tänavatoitu. Mul oli hea meel, et Luke minuga mehhiko restoranis käis :D. Sellel ajal kui nemad järjekorras seisid, läksime meie Luke-iga suurde aatriumisse kus oli kerge valgusshow, mis oli ka põhjus, miks me Leedsis olime. Eile oli seal suur tulede show igalpool linnas, erinevad üritused erinevates kohtades. Suundusimegi siis linna peale pärast Trinityt. Nägime igasuguseid erinevaid asju ja ühelt tänavalt ostsid Luke ja Ivan ja Marianne hispaania churrosid. Sealt edasi jalutasime McDonaldsisse ja ostsime McFlurryt :D. Koju läksime poole 11 paiku. Kojujõudes mängisime kaarte (Mina, Luke, Aurore, Ly ja Abdallah). Peale umbes 5te mängu läksime magama, kõik peale Abdallah- tema läks koos Jamaliga mingisugusele peole. Vot nii! :) Väga mõnus ja hoopis teistsugune päev! Mulle meeldis!
On Friday morning I had SSD in School of Management, but since I needed to give in one important paper, then I went an hour earlier, so with 9.30 am bus. After I did what I needed to get done I just killed time enjoying the atmosphere in that campus. So good and nice! People are actually different in there, no kidding! Before 11 I met Jamie and we went to the class. I have to say that again- I LOVE FRIDAYS! Different reasons- SOM (people and atmosphere in there), people who I have in my SSD, lecturers for SSD and so on. Lecture was on for two hours- we saw different essays and discussed what´s good to do and what to avoid. Me and Marta came back with 1.10 pm bus, went to library and then I came home. Had lunch and worked in my room. I got phone number!! Big step done :D.
At 5 pm I met Luke downstairs and we went to the train station. Bought tickets and sat on the train what took us to Leeds. We went to Trinity Mall first, walked around and then went back on the streets. Went to a big Sports Direct and then back to the mall. We went to a mexican restaurant, which was really good, but we didn´t know that the food is going to be that spicy! Other than that we had nice ´date´. :D :D When we were done and paid the bill, rest of our company arrived ;) :D- Aurore, Lucy, Ivan, Marianne and Doris. We were aware that Doris and Aurore are coming, but well :D More the merrier! Since they were really hungry too, we went downstairs and they had Vietnamise Street Food. Thank god, I had mexican, I´m not very adventurous with food, as you might know! :D The time when they were standing in the line, me and Luke went to a big atrium and watched the light show. That was actually a reason why we went to Leeds- they had a huge light show going on all around the town. So after they were done eating we headed to the city centre and saw lots of different shows. Luke, Ivan and Marianne got some churros from a street vendor and after that we went to McDonalds to get McFlurrys :D. We took a train back home around 10.30. Back home we (me, Luke, Aurore, Ly and Abdallah) played cards. Later we all went to bed besides Abdallah- he went to a party with Jamal. That kind of fun Friday ;). Loved it!
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