Esmaspäeval alustasin taaskord kordamisega. Olime Aurorega mõlemad allkorrusel, nii ju palju vahvam. Vahepeal käisin pakil järgi. Pidi olema mu uus ekraanikaitsja, aga tuli see minuni väga vigaselt. Tore ju :). Saatsin kirja neile ja ütlesin, et nii need asjad ka ei käi. Lubasid uue saata. Janek tuli külla, tema jõi oma teed, et haigusest lahti saada ja siis saime teada oma postei hinde. Saime 85 100st ja olime selle tulemusega väga rahul. Kõike väga kiidei aga midagi negatiivset keegi ei öelnud, natuke oleks tahtnud, aga on mis on! Janek läks koju ja mina trenni ning nii see nädal jälle algaski.
Teisipäeval ärkasin ja hakkasin toimetama. Põhiliselt tegelesin taaskord kordamisega aga see on väga keeruline, sest selle eksamiga oli kuidagi väga keeruline üldse korrata. Päev veereski kuidagi selles joones jälle. Õhtul vaatasin eurovisiooni ja siis tulid Kumba ja Roha ning mängisime kaarte.
Kolmapäeval ärkasin normaalsel ajal ja kulutasin päeva kordamisele. Järgmisel päeval oli ju eksam, niiet tuli ju anda endast kõik. Sõin vahepeal ja toimetasin ja õhtul kella 7ks läksin trenni aga palju muud nagu ei toimunudki ;).
Neljapäeva hommik oli selline veidike stressirohke. Ärkasin taaskord varakult, sest tuli ennast valmis panna ja veerand 9 paiku lahkusin kodust. Sain Nabeeliga Õpilaskeskuses kokku ning vaatasime üle, kus meie eksamiruum on ning see selge tuli lihtsalt rahulikult võtta. Kella 9ks saime eksamiruumi. See oli arvutipõhine eksam, niiet see võttis aega, et valmis seada ja lõpuks alustasime eksamit 5 minutit hiljem. See oli väga tobe eksam 24 (1 punkt) küsimust pluss 18 (2 punkti) pluss 4 (+5 kui vastad õigesti, 1 kui vastad ma ei tea ja -5 kui vastad valesti) küsimust. Kõige nõmedam ülesehitus mis eksamil olla saab.. See tõttu ka väga häid tulemusi sealt ei tulnud muidugi. Ma räägin kõikide õpilaste eest. Mina sain 65% 100st. Natuke olin algul pettunud aga sain üle ja sain aru, et see on väga hästi. Me läksime minu juurde Nabeeliga, sest meil oli tunnike aega ning siis läksime tagasi ning saime teistega kokku. Shivani oli endast väga väljas sest tema arvuti andis alla ja ta pidi vahetama seda poole eksami peal. Saime sellest üle ja ostsime piletid aasta lõpupeole nimega Party on The Amp. Ning siis läksime linna ja istusime Weatherspoonsis maha ning sõime ühe mõnusa lõuna. Peale seda istusime purskkaevu äärde ja nautisime ilma ja vabadust! Natuke peale 4ja lahkusime Nabeeliga ning läksime tagasi koju, sest tema pidi koju minema, aga asjad olid minu juures. Mina sõin ja vahetasin riided trenniks ning siis läksin Janeku juurde, aitasin teda paari asjaga. Läksin trenni ning kui see tehtud oli, super hea muidugi, tulin koju ja käisin pesus ning siis kogunesime Roha ja Kumbaga Janeku juures ja tähistasime kooliaasta lõppu.
Reedel magasin ikka veitsa ja siis tõusin ning sõin ja hakkasin toimetama. Palju oli vaja teha ja asjad pakkida jne. Kella poole 2 paiku läksin linna, sest raha oli vaja vahetada ning paar asja osta. Natuke enne 3e olin tagasi kodu lähedal ning ruttu lippasin Õpilaskeskusesse, sest pidin Hannah-ile alllirja andma. Sain tasuta pitsat ning läksin koju. Sõin ja printisin ning siis tuli Nabeel. Kuna Hannah avastas, et üks allkiri jäi andmata, siis ta tuli minu juurde ja andsin talle teise alllirja. Me Nabeeliga chillisime ja siis hakkasime Troonide mängu vaatama. Alustasime esimesest hooajast, esimesest episoodist. Meile meeldis ;). Peale seda oli natuke aga veel niisama logeleda ning siis tuli temal koju minna. Mina läksin alla ja tegin pannkooke ning sõin ja natuke toimetasin veel niisama. Tuligi magama minna, sest hommikul tuli vara tõusta.
Laupäeval ärkasin kella 7st ja hakkasin toimetama. Kõik mis vaja tehtud, sõin hommikusööki ja lahkusin kodust. Sain Nabeeliga Richmondi ees kokku ning käisime korraks Sainsbury's. Saime teiselpool Richmondi Janeku ja tema sõbraga ning Roha ja Kumbaga kokku. Dominik ja Shivani saabusid ka üsna varsti. Tulidki bussid (5 tk) ja meie istusime ühesse neist ning trip Lake Districti võis alata. Bussisõit oli umbes kaks tundi. Jõudsime Lake Windermere juurde ning seal ootasime väikest laevakest/praamikest, mis meid ühest järve otsast teise viiks. Vaade oli juba sealt super ilus. Väga äge! Saimegi praamile ning sõit võis alata. Oli selline tuuline ja külm, aga eks veepeal on ikka nii. Ilm oli väga ilus iseenesest. Umbes 40 minutit praamil (suur järv) ning jõudsime linnakesse nimega Bowness. Kui maabusime, siis jalutasime kohe üles linna, otsisime kohta kus süüa ja nautisime väikeseid poekesi. Leidsime lõunasöögils koha ning sõime fish and chipsi. Me ostsime söögi kaasa ja siis istusime ilusasse kohta maha, kust oli järvele super ilus vaade ning nautisime. Peale seds jalutasime ühte jäätiseputkasse ning ostsime magustoidu :). Nii hea!! Peale seda läksid Roha, Kumba, Shivani ja Janeku sõber Amir paadiga sõitma ning mina koos Janeku, Nabeeli ja Shivaniga läksime ringi kondama. Seal oli hästi palju luikesid ja teistsugune vaade järvele. Väga äge! Natuke peale nelja olime taaskord tagasi kus teised alustasid paadisõitu. Kuna me neid ei leidnud, siis jalutasime busside poole. Tegime veel pissipeatuse ning siis saime teistega kokku ning olimegi natuke enne 5t bussis. Pidime kell 5 lahkuma aga nagu ikka see veits venis. Mängisime sõna mänge teel tagasi. Väga vahva oli! Ülimõnus seltskond! Jõudsime tagasi linnakusse ning siis läksime kõik koju. Ütlesin tere Luke-ile, Mattile ja Aurore-le ning vahetasin ruttu ning saime kõigiga uuesti kokku peale Nabeeli. Tema läks koju. Jamie esines ühes pubis ja see oli Pauli ning Bianca korraldatud üritus, niiet me olime fännid! Jamie laulis nagu ikka hästi ja tõesti oli mõnus! Kui Jamie lõpetas kuulasime veel ühe esineja paar laulu ning siis lahkusime. Mina jõudsin koju, pakkisin veel viimased asjad ning käisin pesus, panin ennast valmis, käisin all söömas ning lahkusin kodust.
Kuna see oli pühapäeva vara hommik, kell 1, siis alustan uue päevaga. Juhtus siis selline asi, et läksin bussijaama, mis oli kinni, sest öö ja suunati ühte bussipeatusesse. Läksin sinna ja tegelikult nägin seda enda bussi mööda sõitmas, aga ei tahtnud kindel olla. Olin bussipeatuses rohkem kui 10 minutit varem. Ootasin ja ootasin ja bussi ei tulnud. Avastasin siis sealt tabloo pealt, et see buss läheb 1.10 mitte 1.25 nagu minu pileti peal kirjas oli. No aga kust mina siis pidin teadma. Vahetasin oma pileti internetis ümbe, järgmisele mis pidi lahkuma 2.40. Niiet istusin seal pimedas öises Bradfordis tund aega. Uskumatu! Valeri tuli üllatusena, tema läks ka Manchesteri Lennujaama, aga lendas koju. Saime 2.40 bussi ning magasin kogu tee Manchesteri. Lennujaamas meie teed läksod lahku. Mina sain oma turvakontrollist läbi ja väravasse. Näksisin ning siis saigi peagi väravasse minna. Lendasin 6.25 Manchester Reykjavik! Island, siit ma tulen! Lend kestis natuke üle 2 tunni ja mina loomulikult magasin juba enne kui me õhus olime. Ja tõusin kui maandusime. Tuli natuke aega lennujaamas aega veeta, ostsin Martinile kingetuse ja siis pooleteise tunni pärast istsuin bussi pealr mis viis mind Blue Lagooni. Olin seal kella 11ks ning polnudki palju kui sain sellesse maailmaimesse jalutada! Maailma parim asi üldse!! Nii mõnus ja lõõgastav. Tegin näole maski ja käisin saunades ja lebotasin niisama. Hiljem rääkisin ühe Kanada perega juttu. See ema oli hästi palju reisinud ja täitsa huvitav oli kuulata. Kokku ligunesin vees 4 tundi. Käisin pesus ja pesin soola maha ning käisin söömas ja siis jalutasin veel ringi. Tegin pilte! Kell 5 istusin jälle bussile ning sõitsin Reykjavikki. Buss tõi mind väga Martini lähedale ja oligi vahva! Sõime õhtusööki ja jutustasime ja jõime teed ja jutustasime veel. Martin elab koos Karl Ander Paisuga, ka minu hea sõber Rakverest! Niiet meil oli väga vahva! Olin väga väss, niiet ongi aeg silmad sulgeda!!
Panen paar pilti ja teised lisan hiljem ;).
Monday started with revising again. Me and Aurore were both downstairs. At some point I went to collect a package. It was supposed to be my new screenprotector but guess what, it was absolutely smashed. I then sent them emails and said that this won´t work, because this won´t protect my screen in any possible way. Promised to send me a new one. Janek came over, had his tea because he was sick, for quite a while actually. We got to know our PWO poster grade. We got 85 out of 100 and we were very happy with it even tho there was no negative feedback to say where is our 15 points :P. Janek went home, me to gym and that´s how the week started.
On Tuesday I woke up and started to revise again. I was trying but it is hard to revise for that exam, because it´s complicated for that exam. Day literally passed by like that. Me trying really hard :D. Later I watched Eurovision and then Roha and Kumba came over and we played cards and just chilled!
Wednesday was same again. I woke up at a decent time and then revised and revised and revised more, because had the exam next day. I saw Shivani and Nabeel for a bit, because they had Finance exam that day. Ate and revised more and then went to gym at 7. That´s it for that day.
Thursday began with quite a fair amount of stress, because exam needed to be done. Woke up early and then got ready and left home at 8.15. Met Nabeel at Student Central and we checked where our exam room was. That located, just needed to keep it cool. At 9 we got to go to our exam room. It was computer based exam and it was quite a mess with the organizing it all and see that everybody had working computers and etc. It was a weird exam because there was 24 questions worth 1 point, 18 questions worth 2 points and 4 questions which you can either lose 5 points each if you answer wrong, 1 point if you say I don´t know and gain 5 points if you answer correctly. Honestly I don´t know how is it even possible to have that kind of structure. So yeah. The results were okay, we kind of saw them right after exam, but official results will come later in June. After exam we were at mine with Nabeel and then went back to Student Central to have free pancakes and bought tickets for party in the amp. After that we went all together to Wetherspoons to have a meal and enjoy the rest of the day. Meal done, all super full we sat on the side of the city fountain and enjoyed the sun! Super warm! Me and Nabeel left a bit after 4 pm, because he needed to take his things from my house and go home. I ate around 6 and went to gym at 7. Later when shower done me and Kumba and Roha went to Janek´s and celebrated the end of the year.
On Friday I slept as much as I wanted :D. Then woke up and it was quite busy day. I packed few things and then went to town around 2.30 pm, because I needed to change money and buy few things. A bit before 3 I was back near home, but went to Student Central to sign couple of things for Hannah. Got free pizza aswell. Ate and printed couple of things and then came Nabeel. Hannah discovered that she missed on page and I needed to give another signature. She came over and I did that. Me and Nabeel started to watch game of Thrones. We watched the first episode of the first season. We liked it! After that we had a bit more time and just chilled. He went home then and I made pancakes and ate and just enjoyed the night. Went to bed fairly easy, because needed to wake up really early in the morning.
On Saturday I woke up at 7 am and started to get ready. Everything done and breakfast eaten I left home and met Nabeel near Richmond. We went to Sainsbury´s and then met other in front of Richmond. (Roha, Kumba, Janek, Dominik, Shivani and Janek´s friend Amir.) Five buses came and we got ourselves into one of them. Trip to Lake District was ready to begin! The bus ride was like 2 hours. We got to Lake Windermere and then waited for a boat/ferry and that took us from one side of the lake to the other side. That was called Bowness. The view from the boat was amazing and Bowness was beautiful. We got fish and chips for lunch after a bit walking around in Bowness. Weather was amazing! After lunch we went to ice cream store and everybody got ice cream which was so delicious! Some of us went to the boat to row on the lake and us others went to walk around and walked to the place where we saw completely different angle of the lake. It was one hell of amazing trip! We were back in the bus around 5 pm and drove back Bradford. We played games in the bus and had so much fun! Best crew ever! I got home, said hi to Matt, Luke and Aurore. Went to change clothes and then I met Janek outside. We walked where Roha lives and met Kumba, Roha,Shivani and Dominik and walked to town to go in a pub where Jamie was about to perform. Bianca, Paul and Alex where the ones who orginized the whole event. Jamie sang so well and we all enjoyed. After Jamie finished his set we listen couple of songs from another performer and then we left. I got home, packed a bit and then it was time to leave. Ate a bit and ready to go!
I started a new day already at 1 am. I mean I did not sleep that night. I went to the bus station but then things went a bit wrong. The bus did not leave from the bus station but bus stop, which I knew where it was, just didn´t know they changed it. So I went to the bus stop and then saw my bus to pass. Keep in mind it was still 15 minutes til my bus needed to leave. Well I thought that maybe the bus is just turning around or they are changing the drivers somewhere or something like that. When it was the time my bus to leave there was no bus. Then I discovered that the paper said on the wall that the bus was going out at 1.10 am not 1.25 as it was on my ticket. Which was not my fault. But well.. The bus was gone anyway. I changed my ticket online and started to wait the one at 2.40 am. Valeri came, and it was a surprise, because I did not expect that. Came out that he is taking 2.40 bus aswell, he was going to Manchester airport aswell to fly home. At the airport our ways seperated because we were flying from different terminals. I got through security, ate and then went to my gate. My flight was at 6.25 am and flew to Reyjkavik! So excited!! I did sleep on the bus to Manchester and then I fell asleep even before we took off and woke up when we landed. In the airport I had a bit of time, so I went to buy gift for Martin and then sat on a bus which took me to Blue Lagoon! Dream to come true! It was even better than I expected! I did a mask for my face, swam in the "pools" and enjoyed saunas. I spent 4 hours there. Last hour I met a family from Vancouver, Canada, and the mom had a long travelling history. She worked for airports so why not! After shower I ate and then took pictures and then took a bus to Reyjkavik city centre. Bus got me very close where Martin lives and there we met again!! So awesome. I also know the friend Martin lives together with, so we just had a chat and I was really tired so sleep came super quick!
Monday started with revising again. Me and Aurore were both downstairs. At some point I went to collect a package. It was supposed to be my new screenprotector but guess what, it was absolutely smashed. I then sent them emails and said that this won´t work, because this won´t protect my screen in any possible way. Promised to send me a new one. Janek came over, had his tea because he was sick, for quite a while actually. We got to know our PWO poster grade. We got 85 out of 100 and we were very happy with it even tho there was no negative feedback to say where is our 15 points :P. Janek went home, me to gym and that´s how the week started.
On Tuesday I woke up and started to revise again. I was trying but it is hard to revise for that exam, because it´s complicated for that exam. Day literally passed by like that. Me trying really hard :D. Later I watched Eurovision and then Roha and Kumba came over and we played cards and just chilled!
Wednesday was same again. I woke up at a decent time and then revised and revised and revised more, because had the exam next day. I saw Shivani and Nabeel for a bit, because they had Finance exam that day. Ate and revised more and then went to gym at 7. That´s it for that day.
Thursday began with quite a fair amount of stress, because exam needed to be done. Woke up early and then got ready and left home at 8.15. Met Nabeel at Student Central and we checked where our exam room was. That located, just needed to keep it cool. At 9 we got to go to our exam room. It was computer based exam and it was quite a mess with the organizing it all and see that everybody had working computers and etc. It was a weird exam because there was 24 questions worth 1 point, 18 questions worth 2 points and 4 questions which you can either lose 5 points each if you answer wrong, 1 point if you say I don´t know and gain 5 points if you answer correctly. Honestly I don´t know how is it even possible to have that kind of structure. So yeah. The results were okay, we kind of saw them right after exam, but official results will come later in June. After exam we were at mine with Nabeel and then went back to Student Central to have free pancakes and bought tickets for party in the amp. After that we went all together to Wetherspoons to have a meal and enjoy the rest of the day. Meal done, all super full we sat on the side of the city fountain and enjoyed the sun! Super warm! Me and Nabeel left a bit after 4 pm, because he needed to take his things from my house and go home. I ate around 6 and went to gym at 7. Later when shower done me and Kumba and Roha went to Janek´s and celebrated the end of the year.
On Friday I slept as much as I wanted :D. Then woke up and it was quite busy day. I packed few things and then went to town around 2.30 pm, because I needed to change money and buy few things. A bit before 3 I was back near home, but went to Student Central to sign couple of things for Hannah. Got free pizza aswell. Ate and printed couple of things and then came Nabeel. Hannah discovered that she missed on page and I needed to give another signature. She came over and I did that. Me and Nabeel started to watch game of Thrones. We watched the first episode of the first season. We liked it! After that we had a bit more time and just chilled. He went home then and I made pancakes and ate and just enjoyed the night. Went to bed fairly easy, because needed to wake up really early in the morning.
On Saturday I woke up at 7 am and started to get ready. Everything done and breakfast eaten I left home and met Nabeel near Richmond. We went to Sainsbury´s and then met other in front of Richmond. (Roha, Kumba, Janek, Dominik, Shivani and Janek´s friend Amir.) Five buses came and we got ourselves into one of them. Trip to Lake District was ready to begin! The bus ride was like 2 hours. We got to Lake Windermere and then waited for a boat/ferry and that took us from one side of the lake to the other side. That was called Bowness. The view from the boat was amazing and Bowness was beautiful. We got fish and chips for lunch after a bit walking around in Bowness. Weather was amazing! After lunch we went to ice cream store and everybody got ice cream which was so delicious! Some of us went to the boat to row on the lake and us others went to walk around and walked to the place where we saw completely different angle of the lake. It was one hell of amazing trip! We were back in the bus around 5 pm and drove back Bradford. We played games in the bus and had so much fun! Best crew ever! I got home, said hi to Matt, Luke and Aurore. Went to change clothes and then I met Janek outside. We walked where Roha lives and met Kumba, Roha,Shivani and Dominik and walked to town to go in a pub where Jamie was about to perform. Bianca, Paul and Alex where the ones who orginized the whole event. Jamie sang so well and we all enjoyed. After Jamie finished his set we listen couple of songs from another performer and then we left. I got home, packed a bit and then it was time to leave. Ate a bit and ready to go!
I started a new day already at 1 am. I mean I did not sleep that night. I went to the bus station but then things went a bit wrong. The bus did not leave from the bus station but bus stop, which I knew where it was, just didn´t know they changed it. So I went to the bus stop and then saw my bus to pass. Keep in mind it was still 15 minutes til my bus needed to leave. Well I thought that maybe the bus is just turning around or they are changing the drivers somewhere or something like that. When it was the time my bus to leave there was no bus. Then I discovered that the paper said on the wall that the bus was going out at 1.10 am not 1.25 as it was on my ticket. Which was not my fault. But well.. The bus was gone anyway. I changed my ticket online and started to wait the one at 2.40 am. Valeri came, and it was a surprise, because I did not expect that. Came out that he is taking 2.40 bus aswell, he was going to Manchester airport aswell to fly home. At the airport our ways seperated because we were flying from different terminals. I got through security, ate and then went to my gate. My flight was at 6.25 am and flew to Reyjkavik! So excited!! I did sleep on the bus to Manchester and then I fell asleep even before we took off and woke up when we landed. In the airport I had a bit of time, so I went to buy gift for Martin and then sat on a bus which took me to Blue Lagoon! Dream to come true! It was even better than I expected! I did a mask for my face, swam in the "pools" and enjoyed saunas. I spent 4 hours there. Last hour I met a family from Vancouver, Canada, and the mom had a long travelling history. She worked for airports so why not! After shower I ate and then took pictures and then took a bus to Reyjkavik city centre. Bus got me very close where Martin lives and there we met again!! So awesome. I also know the friend Martin lives together with, so we just had a chat and I was really tired so sleep came super quick!
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