Teisipäeva hommikul ajasime ennast püsti ja hakkasine toimetama. Käisin pesus ja sõin ning siis tegime Martinigs võikusid ning pakkisime kotid ära. Lahkusime kodust ning jalutasime ühte bussipeatusesse. Kuna me saime kodust natuke enne bussi välja, siis jalutasime kaugemale peatusesse. Selle bussiga sõitsime linna äärde, võttis see meil nii pool tunnikest ja natuke peale. Ühel hetkel tuli pool lasteaeda bussi, sest nad saavad tasuta ja no miks mitte siis. :D Kui olime linna ääres, siis jalutasime natuke edasi aga seal oli ainult üks maantee, mis on ainuke maantee Islandil, ning pärast kerget jalutuskäiku hakkasime hääletama ja see võttis ainult paar minutit kui olimegi juba autos! Põhjus oli selles, et pidime saama ühte väiksemasse linnakesse 45 km kaugusel. See oli täitsa islandi onu, nad kõik räägivad väga head inglise keelt, niiet me siis jutustasime ja ta rääkis, kuidas ta on käinud Gröönimaal ja Poolas jahtimas jne. Ta pani meid enne linnakest, ühe mäe otsas maha ning meil tuli alla matkata ning siis matkasime veel päris pikalt üles ja alla aga see vaade igal pool võttis sõnatuks. Tohutult ilus ja väga erinev iga natukese aja tagant. Nägime palju auravaid maa sisse minevaid auke. Lõpuks jõudsime oma sihtkohta, milleks oli soe jõgi. Meil olid ujukad ja rätikud kaasas ja olenemata sellest, et õues oli päris jahe, vahetasime riided ja läksime jõkke soojenema ja ligunema. Parim asi ever!! Siis sõime lõunat, veel parem- söök ja soe vesi, nagu õhtusöök vannis. Eks pärast oli küllaltki raske ennast veest välja saada, sest õues oli ju ikkagi väga külm. Sadas vihma, rahet ja vahel paistis päike. Kui me ennast lõpuks riidesse olime saanud, matkasime edasi, nägime veel kuumasid tossavaid auke ja keevat muda ja ühte megailusat koske. Super ilus! (Alati tasub nurga taha vaadata sellistes kohtades.)
Siis hakkasime tagasi matkama ja Martin arvas, et on hea mõte minna sealt kus enamus inimesi ei käi. Saime ruttu aru miks inimesed sealt ei käi :D. Väga märg ja soine, sest lumi on alles sulanud, niiet jah :). No polnud hullu vähemalt sai nalja ja oli põnev! Matkasime väiksest linnakesest läbi ja siis hääletasime tagasi. Läks natuke kauem aega aga mitte üle 10 minuti ;). See onu teadis Martinit, see oli naljakas, aga ta viskas meid täitsa Martini kodu ette ära! Läks super hästi. Mina käisin pesus ja siis tellisime pitsad ja käisime neil järgi ning sõime! Olime nii vässud, niiet ei läinudki kaua aega kui olin voodis. Nabeel helistas veel mulle ning siis jäingi kohe magama.
Olge mõnusad!
I woke up on Tuesday morning and had shower and then me and him made sandwiches to go. Packed our bags and walked to a bus stop. We took a bus to the end of the town basically, like in those movies. At some point the whole day care group came in the bus which was empty and they filled every spot in that bus. Apparently it´s free for them, so why not. They went off in a very odd place, but who are we to question. Once we got off the bus we started to walk what seemed like absolutely nothing and hitchhiked and it was actually very quick when we got in a car and he took us to almost another next town. We went off in the middle of highway and then started to hike down to hike up again :P. The view was amazing from every step. The landscape was different after every couple of minutes. We saw those dark holes inside the ground steam coming out. It was soo cool! After a bit over than an hour hike we got to our destination which was a hot river! It was cold outside, ain´t gonna lie :D. But we took ourselves to the bathing suit level and went inside the river and it was like bath. Oh my.. who wants to leave that place, ever? It hailed, rained and was sunny the time we spent there :D. We ate our lunch in the river. Honestly.. I did wish time would stop.. At some point we did get ourselves out tho and hiked a bit more for more amazing views. Then we started to hike back. Martin thought that it´s a brilliant idea to use a place which is not usually used by people and there was a reason, but we didn´t know it before we took that way :D. It was very wet because it was like a swamp. Well feet wet but it was fun! We got to the town close there and then hitchhiked back. Didn´t take very long either. Eezy-beezy! Thank you nice Iceland people! He literally took us home even tho he doesn´t live anywhere close there :P :O. I had shower and then we ordered pizza and went to collect it then. It was another exhausting but amazing day! Nabeel called for a bit and dreamland took me ;).
I woke up on Tuesday morning and had shower and then me and him made sandwiches to go. Packed our bags and walked to a bus stop. We took a bus to the end of the town basically, like in those movies. At some point the whole day care group came in the bus which was empty and they filled every spot in that bus. Apparently it´s free for them, so why not. They went off in a very odd place, but who are we to question. Once we got off the bus we started to walk what seemed like absolutely nothing and hitchhiked and it was actually very quick when we got in a car and he took us to almost another next town. We went off in the middle of highway and then started to hike down to hike up again :P. The view was amazing from every step. The landscape was different after every couple of minutes. We saw those dark holes inside the ground steam coming out. It was soo cool! After a bit over than an hour hike we got to our destination which was a hot river! It was cold outside, ain´t gonna lie :D. But we took ourselves to the bathing suit level and went inside the river and it was like bath. Oh my.. who wants to leave that place, ever? It hailed, rained and was sunny the time we spent there :D. We ate our lunch in the river. Honestly.. I did wish time would stop.. At some point we did get ourselves out tho and hiked a bit more for more amazing views. Then we started to hike back. Martin thought that it´s a brilliant idea to use a place which is not usually used by people and there was a reason, but we didn´t know it before we took that way :D. It was very wet because it was like a swamp. Well feet wet but it was fun! We got to the town close there and then hitchhiked back. Didn´t take very long either. Eezy-beezy! Thank you nice Iceland people! He literally took us home even tho he doesn´t live anywhere close there :P :O. I had shower and then we ordered pizza and went to collect it then. It was another exhausting but amazing day! Nabeel called for a bit and dreamland took me ;).
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