See nädal on alanud imehästi! Ma mäletan miks ma reisimist armastan! Esmaspäeva hommikul ärkasin ja käisin pesus ja sõin hommikusööki ning siis tuli Martin värskete saiakestega poest. Natuke istusime siin veel ja siis läksime ta töö juurde. Martin tegi natuke tööd ja meie Karlaga mängisime Chloe (retseptsioonis töötab seal külalistemajas, prantslanna) kutsikaga, kes temaga tööjuures kaasas on. Kui Martin valmis sai, võtsime kodinad kaasa ja läksime ronisime ühe mäe otsa, kus on selline kupliga hoone. Seal hoones saab kõrgele üles minna, kus on bistroo ja pöörlev restoran, aga seal on ka 360 kraadi vaateplatvorm. Tohutult ilus vaade ja näeb absoluutselt kõiki mägesid ja Reykjavikki jne. Ülihea algus Reykjaviki tuurile. Seal käidud jalutasime linna poole. Kuna käisime kodust mööda, siis korraks hüppasime sisse, aga sealt edasi jalutasime suure kirikuni. Tohutult massiivne ja võimas. Käisime sees ja vaatasime suurt orelit ning siis liikusime edasi. Käisime tõesti igal pool Reykjavikis, vaatasime erinevaid huvitavaid maju ja käisime peatänaval ja nautisime lahe äärt ning uudistasime suures kontserdimajas ringi. See mulle tohutult meeldis!! Võimas maja, väga huvitavalt ehitatud. Käisime ühe väikese järvekese ääres ning jalutasime ühe jäätisekohvikuni, kus oli väga väga palju rahvast ning tõesti üks parimaid jäätiseid. Külastasime ka turgu ning siis käisime söömas ja poes ning läksimegi koju tagasi. Ilm oli meeletult kena kogu päeva. Kodus natuke pubkasime ning siis jalutasime ühe suure spordikeskuseni. Martin ja Karla läksid trenni ning mina läksin ujuma. Islandil on väga range reegel see, et tuleb ennast paljalt puhtaks pesta enne kui basseini lähed. Nad jälgivad sind, et sa seda teeksid. Tädid olid seal pesuruumis. See on sellepärast, et enamus basseinidest on kõik selle geotermaalvee peal ja väga vähe kloori vees. Minu suureks üllatuseks oli see bassein õues ja kõik olid väga happyd! Need basseinid olid muidugi suured aga igasugused laste asjad olid nagu torud ja ronimiskohad ja lisaks normaalsetele basseinidele olid sellised väikesed ringikujulised, mis kõik olid erineva temperatuuriga (40 ja 44 kraadi, osad olid masseerivad jne) ning siis oli ka aurusaun. Väga mõnus oli! Mina käisin ujusin natuke ja siis käisin soojemates ja saunas jne. Martin ja Karla tulid ning chillisime veits veel ringi. Kui pestud, kustud, kammitud, saime kokku õues ning läksime tagasi kodupoole, väikese vahepeatusega Lemonis, kus ostime värsket mahla ja paninisid ning matkasime ühe suure künka otsa ja mugisime. Parima vaatega õhtusöök mis kunagi üldse on olnud!! Kodus olime nii läbi kui läbi. Mina veel skypesin Nabeeliga ning oligi aeg magama minna.
The week started amazingly! I remembered why I love travelling. Woke up on Monday and had shower and breakfast and then came Martin with fresh pastries from the store. We sat a bit and had a chat and then we went to her workplace. Martin had to do a bit work and me and Karla (his friend) went outside to play with Chloe´s (French girl who works there aswell) dog. If Martin was ready, we took our things and hiked up the hill to one dome building. You can go really high up in there and it has a cafeteria and restaurant that spins. You can walk outside 360 around the building and see the best views. I love mountains and love views like that! That done we walked to town, we passed home so we popped in quickly and then discovered as much Reyjkavik as we could! Literally saw most of the town. We visited church and concert hall and main street etc. I loved the concert hall. So beautiful and interesting! Almost in the end of our tour we had amazing ice cream and then went to have dinner in Martin´s favorite place. A delicious lasagne! We got home and then got ready to leave again. We walked to a big gym. Martin and Karla went to workout and I went straight to the pools. Imagine that now.. All the pools in Reykjavik, well most of them, are outside, even tho it´s one of the coldest countries. But it has warm natural geothermal water, so all the pools are naturally warm. It was crazy but awesome experience. I swam some laps and waited for them and enjoyed everything! When they came we boiled in hot circular small pools and then after a bit we left. We started to walk back home, but bought sandwiches and they took me to some funny hill from where the view was amazing and we had our dinner! Five star view! ;) We were so tired when we got home, I skyped with Nabeel and then went to bed! Another awesome day was waiting!
The week started amazingly! I remembered why I love travelling. Woke up on Monday and had shower and breakfast and then came Martin with fresh pastries from the store. We sat a bit and had a chat and then we went to her workplace. Martin had to do a bit work and me and Karla (his friend) went outside to play with Chloe´s (French girl who works there aswell) dog. If Martin was ready, we took our things and hiked up the hill to one dome building. You can go really high up in there and it has a cafeteria and restaurant that spins. You can walk outside 360 around the building and see the best views. I love mountains and love views like that! That done we walked to town, we passed home so we popped in quickly and then discovered as much Reyjkavik as we could! Literally saw most of the town. We visited church and concert hall and main street etc. I loved the concert hall. So beautiful and interesting! Almost in the end of our tour we had amazing ice cream and then went to have dinner in Martin´s favorite place. A delicious lasagne! We got home and then got ready to leave again. We walked to a big gym. Martin and Karla went to workout and I went straight to the pools. Imagine that now.. All the pools in Reykjavik, well most of them, are outside, even tho it´s one of the coldest countries. But it has warm natural geothermal water, so all the pools are naturally warm. It was crazy but awesome experience. I swam some laps and waited for them and enjoyed everything! When they came we boiled in hot circular small pools and then after a bit we left. We started to walk back home, but bought sandwiches and they took me to some funny hill from where the view was amazing and we had our dinner! Five star view! ;) We were so tired when we got home, I skyped with Nabeel and then went to bed! Another awesome day was waiting!
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